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Everything posted by stan

  1. dvfjzMqiHs4 Awdxfs1mCG8 FoSvhj1mir0
  2. Rich any idea what A-TOM-MIK Torpedoes are made of ? Lead or steel What kind of blow back are you getting at 150' to 200' ?
  3. Happy birthday Nick, take care and may your day bring all you have wished for
  4. This is Brookings north of Crescent City
  5. Not sure yep Matt, news still coming in, latest 2 people missing
  6. This is our port when heading out for Ocean Salmon. You can watch the harbor water being sucked out to sea http://www.youtube.com/embed/ai6pPk0VHDY
  7. You guys are having way to much fun. Ok were did you get that Orange suit ? I have to get a set. Nice fish Brain, Tom thanks for the video
  8. wuuARXFH9CU
  9. We had two weeks of 70 degree weather and it all turned around on Sunday 2-13. This is the Upper Sacramento river behind my house. It's up about 5 1/2' and still coming up. With heavy snow tonight and tomorrow. You all should have it about 4 days. The river is usually an emerald green not this mud brown
  10. Thanks guys, the wife took me out on the lake today for some sun and a few fish. I don't feel any older
  11. Outstanding job, and the song is a number one hit. It's even catching on out here in California
  12. Happy birthday old friend, I have always wounded what it was like to serve under Brigadier General William MacKall back in 1837. It must have been ruff during Seminole and Mexican Wars
  13. Back in my younger days, we used what was called a prawn rig, I am wondering if any of you have tried this method of fishing on the big O ?
  14. http://www.davisnet.com/marine/products ... ?grp=m15-4
  15. W.W.IV. Maybe down in southern California they have. Up here in the northern mountains they stay clean and clear. Our pond is kind of small, it's only 360 miles of shore line
  16. The Smith river is on the border of California and Oregon. Hope 2011 is a good year for Kings, Coho out west again. Hatchery fish can be kept and wild fish must be released back unharmed
  17. This should get you guys going http://www.myoutdoorbuddy.com/fishing_r ... shing=2791
  18. http://www.ssec.wisc.edu/data/geo/index ... thod=flash
  19. Bug happy birthday Buddie, great talking to you last night.
  20. The reason I posted this up, is how long will it take someone to cash in $1.5 million in chips so as not to bring attention to himself.. I see the makings of a new movie in this one. http://www.lvrj.com/news/man-robs-bella ... 48304.html
  21. Mark how do you get out of the weather on that boat of yours. Right now while you guys are under snow and Ice, where fishing out west here Keep on trucking
  22. You guys really don't go on the water to fish do you ? Outstanding Video , sure hope you did not send the Video to Dancing With The Stars , Party on DUDES
  23. What do you mean your dumping me for Nancy
  24. You betcha that should tell you something right there. My son told me once the height stupidity was to argue with someone you don't even know on a computer. So I will let those Left coast greats go on about there lives, catching fish just dumped out of a truck. The members on this board are top notch, if anyone asks a question there given more advise by so many great fisherman it's hard to take it all in sometimes. Keep up the great work and sportsmanship out here guys your leading the nation. That is not bad for a bunch of Yankees
  25. Dipsy's, Cutbait heads, dodgers and Flashers are from Oregon & Washington. Yes pro-troll is out of the bay area. Patriot Myself & Fishstalker both belong to the Oregon based form Gill-T those weights come and go and you have to be in the right place at the right time to get them. I will keep my eyes open for you.
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