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Everything posted by stan

  1. Thanks for your report and pictures. The young lad will have some great fish stories for school soon.
  2. thanks for sharing your report and picture. Now there is a happy young man with some great stories for school this week
  3. By what is on the ground, looks like someone was hitting the bottle pretty heavy. Great pictures and thanks for sharing your report .
  4. Thanks for the report and picture. It is not the size of the yacht, but the skill of the angler that counts
  5. Looks like you have had a hell of a year so far. Great job thanks for sharing your slide show.
  6. I still can not figure out how you got it in the back of your hand . I seen them in fingers, palms , back forearm , head , shoulder , gut, from of the leg. even one in the lower back when a guy tried to cast. But I don't mind telling you this one is a first and on the top of my list of what not todo. Dam that hurt I am sure
  7. There are some nice healthy fish there, thanks for sharing your pictures
  8. Real nice fish, did not know Walmart carried fresh trout
  9. Well just a little trivia for you all. The 9ers where franchised in 1946 , the raiders many, many, many , many years after. Like 1964 . Now who is the original California team. with a number of super bowl wins if I recall right
  10. CBish She is small , but she is quick . She has treed her fair share of bears. Then there are the deer she got out of thick brush cover. That ended up on the dinner table, the Rat Terrie has no fear
  11. Thanks for the report and picture Billy, that is a Shasta Lake size fish right there. See I know you guys had a few out there
  12. Now how about those 9ers, If I recall there 3-0
  13. Got to love a meat rig, thanks for the picture and report
  14. Real nice day on the water, thanks for the great pictures. You guys are killing me out way out west here
  15. Looks like you guys had a outstanding day on the water even with Landshark aboard Thanks for sharing your report and pictures. Got ya Mike
  16. Mark vary nice fish, always like your videos
  17. Chad Your secret is safe with me that these are the fish he caught while in Washington on vacation
  18. Great video, thanks for sharing it with us. Love to see the young people in our life's have so much fun . It is always a blast to hear them tell the story how they landed it or it got away.
  19. Can you post a picture of it ? We have a lot of guys out west here that run them with out any troubles I have had mine for 5 years. I use it in calm waters when running my big boards, the kicked is where I have the troubles then.
  20. That is a beauty , thanks for the report and picture
  21. Great looking fall fish. Thanks for the report and picture
  22. what do you have it mounted on ? I have on on a 150 honda , when it gets to ruff out there I lift up the kicker and drop the plate on the 150 and she works great
  23. Beautiful fish there, thanks for sharing
  24. Like the 1st picture , that is great. Now the fish is also looking good. But that first picture is awesome
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