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Everything posted by carpedium

  1. Tough to leave NL?
  2. Well based on everyone's recommendations I called the doc and got a prescription for my wife who will get motion sickness in the boat even when it is on dry land and I am walking around in it. In the water she has about 30 seconds before she has to jump out and swim. She has tried the OTC stuff with no real success. We tried the transderm scop over the weekend out on some choppy seas and she was absolutely fine. Many of the OTC treatments make you very drowsy, but she had no side effects on this stuff. Thanks for the recommendations. Be prepared to pay, though. About $60 for 4 patches. Each patch lasts 3 days.
  3. haha the more angles the better
  4. Has anyone sent these pics to the DEC?
  5. Well that's weird.
  6. Thanks for the tips! Just for clarification, the orange circle is the general area we are staying.
  7. Anything related to fishing can be justified by YOLO. (you only live once) Wife: Why did you spend $5 on a new lure? Fisherman: YOLO!
  8. Fishing Report Your Name / Boat Name: ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s): Time on Water: 5pm Weather/Temp: nice Wind Speed/Direction: sw calm Waves: small chop with rollers Surface Temp: 80 Location: LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits: 7 Total Boated:5 Species Breakdown:king and the rest steelhead Hot Lure: wonderbread spin doc with coho fly Trolling Speed: 3.5 Down Speed: 2.5 Boat Depth: 175 to 450 Lure Depth: 100-120 ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS ==================== Action was pretty steady, king was about 18 lbs and Steelies were from 5 to 13. Had a sucessful release on the kind but all Steelies went belly up after rushing to get them back ASAP. Not even a second for a pic. I even held them on the side of the boat with water flowing through their gills. Sucks, but they may have self revived when out of sight. Anyone have any advice for this? Beautiful evening on the water. I should have started out deeper, but we still had a steady pick at 300 plus. Boat is running perfectly, so that makes it very sweet as well.
  9. ??????? If you understand the reason for the question maybe you wouldn't seem like such a ignorant person. When someone calls them self an "EXPERT" . ex·pert  a person who has special skill or knowledge in some particular field; specialist; authority: a language expert. were all experts at something. I've met quite a few of the people who have chimed in on this thread and I HOPE someday to have part of the knowledge they've got
  10. Last time out with them for salmon on lake O was my first time out as well, and my last skunk- so I feel like I need some ammo for this weekend
  11. I am headed up to the islands this weekend with the in-laws, and will be staying near fox and grenadier islands. The boat is in the water up there and currently not trailerable, so I was hoping to get some advice on good spots within a reasonable run from that area. Feel free to PM me if you would like. What baits? Depths? Areas? Thanks
  12. I like how the 10'6 get me out a little with my 7' beam. A shorter rod will give you more leverage on the fish, but to me they seem less forgiving.
  13. Thanks Brian - that one is new for me
  14. Does anyone have a list of where to register? Anywhere closer to Rochester than say, Narbys? Thank you.
  15. Happy bday ray!
  16. Thanks guys! I really need a good digital scale Im just glad I got the 160 qt cooler. It barely fit in that! We did end up trying the bathroom scale trick and came up with 35 lb 2oz
  17. Fishing Report Your Name / Boat Name: ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s): Time on Water: 6pm Weather/Temp: Wind Speed/Direction: light from the east Waves: 1ft Surface Temp: 77 Location: Sandy Creek LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits: 6 Total Boated: 4 Species Breakdown: Steelhead and King Hot Lure: Mountain Dew Glow/Crush spinny w/ A Tom Mik Tourney fly Trolling Speed: 3 to 3.5 Down Speed: 2.5 to 3 Boat Depth: 150 to 350 Lure Depth: 60 to 120 ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS ==================== Beautiful evening out on the water! My second time out for the season on my rig that was recently rebuilt and upgraded. Started out in 150 in front of the water station and headed north. Got to about 200 and the 70 rigger with KOS cheated with a mag KOS fired. 30 seconds later the dipsy with the mt dew glow crush spinny started to scream. It was out 260 on a 1.5 setting. Fish had me out to 500 before i could get the rod out of the holder. While fighting that fish I netted my buddies that hit the KOS which turned out to be a 20 inch steelie that went back. At one time the fish on the dipsy had me out to 700. After 30 mins I got it in and it would not fit in our net - my heart was racing! Been fishing for 3 years and the net has been fine! Turned out to be a personal record, and it dead buried my 30-lb spring scale (admittedly not the most accurate, but usually within 6 oz). They are out there boys and girls! Ended up with a teen king and another steelhead, the second steelie was about 12 lbs and came on a 42nd spinny and an old BW fly I had bouncing around.
  18. wow. tomorrow will be that much harder to work through. thanks.
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