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Everything posted by carpedium

  1. Yeah, And mitchells is out of them till next week!
  2. Yeah, very nice.... Congrads! Lemme know if you need another fishin' buddy
  3. Yeah, i cooked some up for about 5 people today and everyone LOVED it. I'm heading back down right now... hopefully i'll see ya!
  4. Just got the salmon cleaned up and had to try a piece! This recipe will surprise you... it has the bite of spicy buffalo wings, but the salmon is still very savory. The MAX SPICE has ingredients that will provide a hint of lemon while balancing the complex flavors of the fish and spicy heat. What you need: - Small Baking Sheet - Aluminum Foil - How ever many Salmon Fillets you feel like eating - Low Sodium Recipe ' MAX SPICE' (Made by Max foods, Inc Can get in any supermarket i think... red bottle). Line baking sheet with aluminum foil, place salmon on foil. Sprinkle MAX SPICE on fillets, Not too much, but depending on how spicy you want it. Place in broiler until fish flakes and is cooked through. Eat.
  5. Thanks, I want to head back tonight, i just filleted the salmon and cooked some up, they are better than store-bought IMHO. got about 10lbs of meat or so
  6. well, put 18 hours into fishin the pier this weekend, and finally got rewarded last night. Caught my first one around 930, second 11:00 third 1:30. Orange spotted glow cleo 2/5 oz.
  7. Also, about every 15-20 mins baitfish would jump out of the water erratically on the river side. Means something is chasing them right?
  8. Went out from 1-4, i saw about 6 fish coming to the surface (enough to get the blood pumpin) and had one good rap on a chartruce and silver wobbler. Had egg sacks out and nothing on those. Would like to go out tonight- we'll see.
  9. Slimy, Yeah, i saw ya, i ditched the hoodie for a Harley-Davidson Rainjacket when it started sprinkling. I was with another guy and fished further down the pier. I think you must have got there a little before me. I didn't end up going out this morning, but i'll probably head back tonight... we'll see. I PMed you my # is you want to hook up later. Matt
  10. Update: Water was fairly stirred up tonight, i casted from 5 to about 8- there were several people out, nobody seemed to be having much luck. I may sleep a few hours and get up and try it around 5 or 6. We'll see and i'll update!
  11. If anyone wants to come hold my ankles so i can retrieve the lunker be my guest - ill be the 275lb guy wearing an RIT hoodie. (haha)
  12. Just picked up a glowing rapala deep diver and two cleo's- orange and glo and green and glo. Also going to try egg sacks tonight.
  13. I'm heading out in about a half hour, just stopped at Jay-vee and got some glow rapalas and cleo's as well as some egg sacks. I'll report later!
  14. Carp: I edited this to a link at youtube only because of some of the language that's in it and could be offensive to some especially kid's that check out the board. Good one tho. Hank (L&M) http://youtube.com/watch?v=l9ijLulwUTY
  15. Slimy Hooks, How do you get them onto the pier after you hook them? I'm thinking of heading out tonight. Thanks, Matt
  16. I was out last sunday on oneida and the weeds weren't as bad as you were saying. Hardly any out around 119, a few more toward 115. Everyone seemed to be huddled up around the shoals near 113. No bent rods the whole weekend.
  17. It looks like i will be solo this weekend (no wife) so i would like to get out and do some fishing. I have NO idea what i'm doing trolling, i have the boat and all but reading this forum it looks like it takes more gear than i have at the moment. So i guess i'll stick with casting this weekend. What would you guys recommend to use for casting off the summerville pier, I saw some people fish there overnight? Is there some kind of lighted lure or bait you use? Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Matt
  18. Thanks for the reply Muskybob! I live near Highland Park in Rochester(brighton is across the street) so i'm within 10 mins of Iron. Bay, 20 to charlotte, 30 to Sandy creek. I grew up in the Clarkson/Hamlin area so i'm pretty familiar with sandy. Yeah, i really look forward to catching some, but also just getting out there and fishing! Do many people keep and eat what they catch?
  19. So, i don't really know how this works, but i am new to this kind of fishing. I am really interested in getting into salmon and trout fishing. I have a boat and some random down riggers and gear, but have no idea what to do or how to use them. I am used to fishing for bass, pike, walleye, etc. I have caught trout but always on a spoon from shore. Never caught a salmon. If i were to pay for gas and bring my own tackle... would someone be willing to show me the ropes on their rig? I apologize if its rude to post something like that on here... I'm not trying to get something for nothing or leech off you guys. I just want to learn where to begin. This site is a great resource and i've spent several hours reading posts and articles. Seems like a good bunch of people here. Thanks in advance. Matt
  20. My name is Matt, I live in the city of rochester. I have a 17 foot aluminum fishing boat and want to get out and do some more fishing, learn the spots and the techniques. I really look forward to getting to know ya'll!
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