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Everything posted by sparkyice

  1. I suspect the branchial arch was severed from under its chin in a catch and release scenario some time ago. And, I’ve caught fish with a severely damaged and also no lower jaw. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Branchial_arch
  2. this is a wild coho I caught a couple weeks ago in the Umpqa river in Oregon. I had to release it as it was a wild fish, as determined by the presence of the adipose fin. hatchery fish have that fin clipped. we caught 9 of these over 2 days, all of them wild fish. the locals agreed that hatchery fish are rather rare, at least in that area. and, permits were issued for more atlantic fish pens in Puget sound.
  3. free boat it looks quite nice, actually. https://www.craigslist.org/about/best/phx/6100073306.html
  4. it has been said that the art of diplomacy is defined by bringing others around to your point of view by making them think it was their idea to begin with. one poster on this thread, in a reasoned, well thought out argument stated correctly that is hard to agree with someone who calls you an idiot, and that people should at least try to understand the reasons other people have for opinions different than their own. he was subsequently called, in so many words, an idiot in the very next post for having said that. polarization. no one person, or group of people, have ever been absolutely right about anything. ever. to get along as a society, which we must do, we need to accept the fact that an idea other than our own does indeed have merit and deserves consideration. if two people with opposing viewpoints can have a cordial debate over the merits of their individual opinions very often a compromise can be reached that will be more beneficial to each party than if either party had their own way in it's entirety. cheers, joe
  5. stranger things have happened, I suppose, but a 5lb.foot long catfish? a misprint I think!
  6. my brother's buddy got this nice one west of Oswego a few days ago.
  7. we've caught doubles before, but this is the first triple we ever heard of. a laker, a landlocked, and a steelie. not long after that we got a double LL which we were able to release. 10 fish total in the boat that day. 9/4 on Cayuga.
  8. staying in hector? try the cove at smith park and peach orchard early mornings and in the evening. lots of times you can see them swirling after bait and you can target them, also try the outside edges of the weed beds. I never tried flies for them but I would start with natural colors. - if you're going out in the evening be mindful of speed boats running around. they have been known to run over canoes and small boats, many of the collisions have been fatal. there are more than a few bodies that Seneca has never given up. good luck, joe
  9. friggin' blowboats. I had one keelhaul my meat rig once on Seneca by the salt point. 5 suttons and tackle, gone. we tried, as best we could, to get out of his way but the way he was coming at us he absoulutely could not see us- or the breakwall. we were a short cast from the wall and he came between us and it. he almost went aground. I wish he had. i realize they have r.o.w., but don't they also have to pay attention to where the hell they're going? i mean, we could have been anchored and gotten run over. that was 15 years ago and I'm still steamed about it. rant over.
  10. I don't know this guy, the name given was david terwileger. july 1st. 52". in the background you can see the south end of the main st. bridge.
  11. as someone pointed out, this post has nothing to do with lake Ontario fishing, but the topic does seem to have gained some traction. I guess I'm not alone with cat problems. I used to live in a rural area and would dispatch a few stray cats every year- 95% of them unneutered males people would drop off. (probably by someone like me that lives in town!) but I don't want to make it someone else's problem. my neighbor lady's (one of the good neighbors) sister, a gal in her 80's, told me she would catch them in a live trap and hose them down good with water at close range before she let them out of the trap. she said they never come back, and I suspect she reaped a certain amount of satisfaction from bathing the little darlings. I suppose that would land oneself in jail these days. thanks for all the ideas guys. I think i'll start with the moth balls and go from there. cheers, joe
  12. and yes, he defecates in my garden. and sprays about the place. the neighbors just moved into the neighborhood and are a bunch of total scumbags. talking it over with them didn't work. they don't get it. I know what to do, but then I would have a carcass to dispose of. any "less lethal" solutions? thanks.
  13. on more than one occasion while fishing the barge canal in Montour falls we observed the current flow upstream for several minutes before going back towards the lake, and this would repeat many times. we joked it was the Seneca tide. makes you wonder. fishing was usually good when this was happening.
  14. I hope this works
  15. when buying a new battery check the manufacturers' date code to determine when it was made. a "new" battery could have been sitting on the dealer's shelf for years if they don't sell lots of batteries. it will be on a sticker or molded into the battery top months are A-L, A being January, B is February, and so on. years are numerical, 14 would be 2014. D11 would indicate the battery was made in April of 2011. it's like buying milk- look for the ones on the back of the shelf to be freshest.
  16. this is from a fishing forum from Australia I follow. it's much like this one but with generally funnier jokes on their humor thread. unfortunately, this is no laughing matter. as outdoorsmen we have lots more in common with the Aussies than you might think. we have many of the issues that concern us in common. if it happens here it can happen there and vice versa. http://www.ausfish.com.au/vforum/showthread.php/204558-Recreational-angling-in-in-the-firing-line
  17. try 3 or 4 tiny redworms hooked once in the head on a small hook under a bobb..."strike indicator".
  18. i have a 12' sea nymph v-bottom I've taken down the river a few times. it works, but i think something with a shallower draft like a flat bottomed jon boat would work better as i scrape bottom on some of the riffs. i use it because it's what i have. another issue is maneuverability. there are more than a few places where you could quickly get pushed into log jams because you run out of room for your oars. i have had a few close calls, under the right circumstance it could ruin your life. with a motor you have to be very mindful about shallow water. actually, the more i think about it, it's probably not a good idea to use a boat at all, at least not from big flats to walnut street. i have never taken the boat from dunn down, on bigger water it might be better. i have seen plenty of people launch at dunn with motor boats, go down the river a ways, and return to dunn. if you are going to buy something to run the river in i would have to say get a kayak, hands down. they make wide bottom versions that are quite stable, and they are very maneuverable. what do you think about pfifer and the river friends? it seems to me they are turning the river into a commercial venue. i can foresee in the not so distant future having to register and buy a river use permit and sticker for your boat, the proceeds going to "search and rescue" teams. and, while I'm on my rant, what possessed the powers that be to cut down all the trees at the dunn field fishing access wall? now if you want to use it you have to bake in the hot sun. i mean, really? wtf? cheers, joe
  19. I used to use slip sinkers with bass or pike minnows but since the coming of zebra mussels I found I got a lot of cut offs from the sharp mussel shells. now I use slip bobbers with my bait about 12-18 below the float. you'll want to make sure your bail is left open or set your drag light.
  20. all you will ever need to know: http://water.weather.gov/ahps/ more specifically: http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/hydrograph.php?wfo=bgm&gage=icyn6
  21. I've caught them with stones in their belly from Seneca. I figured someone was skipping stones and the pike hit them as they fluttered to the bottom.
  22. http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=mr.+obvious+ice+shanty&view=detail&mid=46894BE0589EF3796D2946894BE0589EF3796D29&FORM=VIRE1 maybe this will help...
  23. when I was a kid I lost a #3 mepps aglia to a big pickerel. I re-rigged with a daredevil and a bout three casts later brought in the pickerel with my mepps in it's mouth, the treble hook holding it's jaw partially closed. my brother caught a big steelie by hooking the eyelet of a swivel attached to a hook in it's jaw. strange things happen.
  24. last year I made it a point to go fishing on a four star "best ++" rated day at a place I normally do quite well at. I got skunked. the next time I went there I did ok. I checked the tables the day after and it was a one star "normal" rating. my brother used to be a river fishing guide in Oregon and he tells my he swears by them and won't even head out if it's not at least two stars on the table. so, I dunno. I have to fish when I can and can't really pick my days so I don't look at them. afraid i'll psyche myself out or something.
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