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Everything posted by solgrande

  1. Thanks...glad i can help out.Heading to buffalo sunday for a little river/lake fishing.
  2. $158.97 for the club.
  3. Believer lot went to germany($43)-thanks volkmar!
  4. That toothy is stuck on $46..down to the last hr!
  5. We`re doing ok...up to $153.The mr toothy is the last remaining.It sits at $45.Surely someone out here can do better..I`ll forward proceeds of all auctions @ the oct 30th meeting. Bob S
  6. We`re getting there the toothy bait has made it to $45 alone.I`m hoping it`ll stay on the increase.All are up to $134 total.
  7. total sales on the 5 auctions are up to $95 so far!!!That`s a good start-
  8. Just listed one of Mr.Toothy`s 14"jtd "lex jr"baits-new unused in sucker pattern.For those of you who don`t know mr.toothy(Jim Reynolds) he is the president of our muskies inc ny chapter.Building baits for near 20yrs. thnx Bob
  9. Other items up are a 5pc lot of 8"believers/swim whizzs.3 are new.2pc 8"muskellunch(1new) and a walleye legend outcast.More soon to come. Bob Legend outcast musky/muskie/p​ike baits-NYS chapter 69 fundraiser http://www.ebay.com/itm/Legend-outcast- ... 3ccbaa3048 2-8"muskellunc​h musky/muskie/p​ike baits-NYS chapter 69 fundraiser http://www.ebay.com/itm/2-8-muskellunch ... 3ccbaa33aa 5pc lot 8"believers-sw​im whizz-NYS chapter 69 fundraiser http://www.ebay.com/itm/5pc-lot-8-belie ... 3ccbaa2316
  10. item #261114565232.Search in muskie fishing.Seller solgrande.I`ll be posting some lure shortly as well.2 bids so far.Up to $1.04 4days 1hr left!! http://www.ebay.com/itm/261114565232;js ... 26_rdc%3D1
  11. Just to let everyone know i`m gonna be starting an ebay sale of musky related items to help out our newly formed chapter of muskies inc.All proceeds for those auctions being listed as a fundraiser for mi will be given to our chapter.I have a couple G Loomis tin sings that are discontinued new condition with plastic cover still attached that were donated by john biro while we were talking about mr.toothy`s baits.He wanted to lend a hand to our club.Unfortunately i have`nt been able to contact him as of late so i hope all is well.These signs are 12"wx9 1/4h.They are very nice!! This item will start tomorrow evening and possibly a few lures as well if i get pics taken. So take a look and do a little bidding if ya can. Thanks Bob S
  12. Thanks to jim & Ed for a great day on the water.Well run-well executed.They kept busy all day running and measuring fish right to the very end(good job ronnix & brad..congrats-i`ll let them tell that story!!).Although we wiffed(maybe it was that banna my new partner had brought on board???lol) we still had a great time from beggining to end.They put on a nice get together on the shores of the lake at a private cottage with raffles and a cookout.I look forward to the next one and maybe you guys will consider one or two more throughout the season. Good job by all in putting this together-and congrats to mike,brad & chad for finishing on top @ the end of the day thanks Jim-Ed Bob S
  13. cape vincent,claton and fishers landing are all good,french creek is not,trailer will go off the end of the ramp and it looks to be a pretty good drop!
  14. I`ll be at waneta-seeya sat morning.
  15. ooops...sorry larry just been busy.Weeds were bad in the channel but ok off east end of carelton and channel up thru gull rock and whiskey isl to boarder.Also was good off watch island and rock island reef.Watre temp was 64deg.Ran the snot outta jim`s 14"lex jr and depth demons(very impressed with the action.Got 2 rips between whiskey island and the boarder just before 40acre(did`nt renew my lisc this year).Came as i was coming off a tight turn and just straightened out 90'back 30down at 3mph(gps)hot perch depth demon.These were running on the deep eye down a third of line out!!lex jr runs 20+ down at 70'out.I beat these things into shoals and they still ran with only minor wear to the lips.They are tough!I fully expected them to be tore up.Not being familiar with that water at the narrows i would run in 40-60'and windup into 20fow just as fast.That ofcourse before i got the feel of the area.Got a few nice pike off eastend carelton on musky rockets in foil perch and purple foil in bright sun.Marked a couple fish on bottom in 40fow northside of carelton.Windy and wet the rest of the wknd but great to out there.Spent sunday from rock island reef to round island marking on botton and some bait in front of the channel to the south.Launched that day outta fishers landing. Met my aunt & uncle at the legion in cape vincent friday for a fishfry after returning to the caps public launch.Then stayed @ ceder point and had a hell of a time getting my boat off the trailer due to low water.That was some skinny water but gott`r in by hitting my brakes a few times to get off the trailer.Also took a tumble off my boat loading it up sunday,foot slipped off bow while climbing up and landed on the gunnel before flopping to the ground...still a little bruised. Anyhow that was `bout it...learned a little more and i`ll be back up in a couple wks for few days. Ps....i will starting and auction on ebay in a few days to generate some cash flow for our MI chapter.i`ve got a couple gloomis signs donated by john biro to get us started.These are discontinued tin signs brand new with plastic still on them that read g.loomis muskie series rods Bob
  16. heading up shortly.Let ya know how it went monday.
  17. time on the water!!study a map and get familiar with an area.I was hesitant a couple years ago as well.Work an area and move to the next.Nitro,gustufson and i chartered the waterwolf last year and learned a bunch.If ya make it up this wknd let me know.i can get you started.See my post on the St.L 28,29,30.Just one request....you practice catch and release.I will be marking my maps this wknd while im working new areas and old(low water)so i`m comfortable later in the year.Be aware when crossing a point..give yourself a little room. Bob 1-315-576-1208
  18. Got my my new berts track system installed tonight with downeast salty`s,batteries in and charging,new vmc`s and spro xtra hvy rings on my big baits and i`m ready to hit the road after work tomorrow.Looks like i`m runn`n solo,anyone gonna be up there give me a shout and i`ll let ya know how it`s going where i`m at.Starting off out of cape vincent and working carelton on upinto clayton by sunday.Not sure what station they use up there but i`ll be on it once i know.Working toothy`s,bakers,muskellunch & red octobers.Sorry guys,i could`nt make the MI meeting tonight-too much to get done for this trip. sol
  19. great post ol`man...tough luck on your rod.My other plans for blk lake have come and gone with no trip(my partner for chaut.tourneys mom passed and svc`s were that wknd-had to cancel).So i`m heading to cape vincent next friday for the weekend to do some scouting and hopefully boat a musky or two.Mainly gonna be trolling trying out some of mr.toothy`s big baits as well as a few of bakers.Working the breaks around carelton area.Trying to get toothy to go but that`ll be a last minute for him.He`s got some really nice big baits available(10"-20").I`m gonna stik to the muskies and forgo the northerns. sol
  20. hey frank...where r u located?? Bob S
  21. just lost that one last nov in alex bay....nutt`n since.Gave it a try on local waters last wk but flammed out.Only fish caught/seen were casting suicks and bulldawgs.Hopefully this year we won`t bring the wind with us...that was crazy.I`m not affraid lol.How about that mr.toothy?i`m still waiting to replace that one.That`s a nice lure.
  22. We are heading to clayton sept 28 and again nov 30th for a few days.with a couple trips in between(stay @ bertrands).Gonna give Blk lake a try sept 14th..try to locate some of those ghost muskies. Bob S
  23. hey mike...that guest speaker sounds good to me as well.I`d like to hear what he has to say.I`m in
  24. crap larry...i`ll be on the lookout as well.I`m always trolling around ebay for musky stuff.Hope your stuff surfaces and those responsible be strung up by their nads. sol
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