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Everything posted by solgrande

  1. Hey larry,your offer still stand??????????????
  2. larry....i`ll talk to ya tonight at the nma banqet !!! sol
  3. i`d like to but i can`t take that time off(thurs/fri).I may just save up for a st.clair trip. sol
  4. Hey zach.......probably cheaper to go to ohio i`m still thinking about it(would help if my taxes get here by then) :thinking:410mi,6hr50min,tank and a 1/4 one way!(maybe more depending on the wind)My boat lights are fubar but i`ve got a portable bow light and a flashlite to tape to the backlite! Last minute descision...runn`in solo sol
  5. What if for 1 or 2yrs(alternate) they collect the eggs from the larry and hatch them at prendergast to give the river some youngins???just a thought! sol
  6. Basspro in auburn is starting to step up with musky stuff.Along with a bunch of lures they also carry a couple lakewood tackle boxes.Each year they seem to get more stuff.As far as the nma meetings...i went last month and plan on going again,maybe not next tuesday `cause we have the banquet in buffalo on the 5th then the following week it`s off to st.cathrines for the odyssy.So two trips in and through buffalo may be enough for me for the week(gas is gonna hurt-still may go though!!).I live in williamson and its not that bad to drive out and back,kinda a long day at work on wed but worth it.i think we left around 930pm(up for work by 5am). sol
  7. At some point this year i`d like to make the trip up to st.clair.Does`nt look like that bad of a drive across canada. sol
  8. hey nitro...don`t forget the lures you are gonna pickup at the odyssy I myself have loaded up on jtd.wileys,a few perchbaits some custom painted mollys couple woodies,t3`s these things called bakers and a special bait Trying a bait from jared as well-should have it around the odyssy. sol
  9. I cant` answer that just yet.....i`m still 0 4 3!!!! have only managed 3 northerns off carlton. sol
  10. I`ve been down to the glenn for that 2x and it`s primarily a flee market.It`s fun and you can pickup a few nice things but not quite a show!!Alot of people do showup however so the possibilities could be there.If thinking about it i`d plan far in advance and advertise especially with distance traveled.As far as the nflcc show it`s just that.Old fishing tackle buy,sell,trade, auction.Nice for collectors.I went a few years ago and sold a couple things and found two of the items i sold severly overpriced(sold for 55-65 and was asking somewhere around $260 for one of them) at a canandauigua co-op.These baits were not worth that in the condition(maybe just maybe if mint in the box which they were not)and it pissed me off that a member would rip someone off that way.I collect but do not belong and sure as heck won`t sell anymore there.Friends were bidding and price stayed loww `cause the other knew he wanted it.Oh well...win some loose some.The **** is that the one said it with me standing there.Ok i`m thru....besides...i`d much rather go to the odyssy in st.cathrineof which we are. sol
  11. thanks larry....i was a little slow outta the gates for this one
  12. i`ve got some stuff over on ebay that`ll benifit the fund with it`s bids.Come check it out.Lures and an abu 5601-c4.15hrs left on the lures!!!user is "solgrande"
  13. I`d luv to help ya out with a latiano however i have only 2 of them in my antique lure collection.A frog pattern "quiver fish"Diving lip in front and a suick style in back.25 on bottom in red ,signature on top with lure name and an P inside of a circle(both lips marked,0ne w/e.vl#8 el pa,the other w/elwood city,pa #8 and his signature.The other is a near mint "LAT musky special:marked in his pen with his signature brass lip with signature and elwood city,pa on bottom.Front hook has lead attached to it.SORRY!!!!!!! sol
  14. How are the lures coming along?
  15. very informative,Picked up a few lures and some great ideas.Lure swap was a little slow but it will only get better.Those whom did`nt make it lost out on a great opportunity to learn a little more(not everyone knows everything)and meet some great musky anglers.Not just those who put on the clinic and were involved but all who attended.Money well invested!!I believe everyone walked away happy. sol
  16. thanks again larry for putting this all together, great show and i enjoyed all of it.Very nice presentation scott!Thanks to Richard Minich whom supplied all attendees with one of his books.Great chatting afterwards.Rich Sandig stuck around and we got some dinner before he drove back.Little sloppy on way back home this morning but not to bad.Thanks for the rod/reel combo and i`ll be putting that reel on my other new rod.....8'6"Tooth Tamer!!I`m glad i bought those other 6 tickets. Thanks Bob S
  17. zach...2 7"mollys and 2 suicks.Don`t be misplacing my baits now.lolThanks larry...sorry toothy and i had to get going early.Did`nt want to walk out early but still had a good drive home.Work today was tough....clock stood still!I`ll make it back out for another meeting-was agood time. sol
  18. Hey zach....i`ll sell ya one on wednsday!!! Great larry..thanks for the heads up.And here i thought i`d make the trip somewhat unscathed..was gonna be some gas,a little food and my nma dues.Guess i`ll have to pass on the food and dues and buy more lures sol
  19. hey ronix....why wait.Go find yourself some open water and cast for northerns!!!!Spillways and the north end of seneca off the pier are good.Check the webcam @ senaca,it`s pointed towards the pier!(@least it used to be).Hey larry...now i know how you`re able to spend so much time on the water sol
  20. Go back and check old posts(should`nt have to look far).Larry had put up a bunch of info on that topic.
  21. i`m hoping to make that meeting on tuesday.Having to work the next morning up @ 430am i won`t be staying long!!I`d like to hear rich and meet a few others in the club. sol
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