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Everything posted by solgrande

  1. sounds great,thought about it myself just have`nt pulled the trigger.I heard there may be something in the making for that day but i`m not sure so can`t say too much.Would probably be conesus. sol
  2. how`s the sign up going larry...heard anything??sounds like there`ll be a few the day of. sol
  3. i`ll toss one in plus put up a year subscription to musky hunter magazine! sol
  4. Selling 2 electric downriggers made of stainless with adjustable booms.Main is 47",reels are big Jons 1 is spooled with new wire and both sport rome releases and another inline release aid.These are well made and work fine.I have been told they were made by an engineer whom worked for xerox-not sure when or if it`s true but whomever it was they knew what they were doing!!.I have no use for electrics(have 2 manuals)i`m into musky fishing not trolling midsummer for salmon/trout.These are fully functional and Made of stainless,adjustable boom which tilts up 45deg,pair of rod holders and bigJon reels.Comes with rohme releases as well as inline release.One has new wire and i`ve i`ve got a couple flashers(3 dodgers 2 spin doctors 3stackers)and some flies(5) to go with it.You may send msg or call me @ 1-315-576-1208 $125-NEED THESE GONE-taking up space!! Thanks Bob S
  5. I`m usually fairly quiet but.. ... We can start by dropping the name calling-it does`nt help....i spent last wknd driving around posting flyers(from roch to perry to watkins glenn to auburn and places in between)) for the road rules and lure swap with waneta as one of my stops to get the word out!!All the buisnesses i stopped at were helpful in posting the info and listening to what i had to say about the clinic,bait fund and C&R-what i got was a positive response from the city to the country(waneta being one of them)!This was done to PROMOTE the ny fishery and offer my 2cents to those on the importance of catch and release.As long as there is a season and a limit we are going to have to deal with it....Be calm and teach what we practice.Some will get it ..some won`t-that`s just the way it is.If i get held up @ the launch because someone(anyone from anywhere) is curious and asks questions pertaining to c&r or just muskies in general then so be it.I`d rather them know proper release technics and tools involved than blow them off.So what can we do....the best we can. Thanx sol
  6. I use an 8`gander med/hvy im8 rod for casting and 7`one pc ugly stik for trolling. sol
  7. I`d say they look pretty good to me,Getting better is an understatement.Looks like i`ll need to work some overtime.Great job zach,you continue to impress!! pssst...is that a chart shad i see "limey".I`d like 2 see the 4th from top in my collection next to my latianos. sol
  8. 3/4oz mepps little wolf in ....firetiger!!
  9. Thanks for the trip larry...had a great time at the show and talking with ya there and back...well all except when i dosed off on the way back!-soory.Sat in on some great seminars and really enjoyed scott kiepers discussion on breaking down the science of mr.esox.Very intense and excited about musky fishing..great to listen too.There is no off switch full speed ahead.Thanx scott.Lots of nice baits to see.Met rodger and his wife @ h20 (nice baits)great folks,and enjoyed talking with steve suick and a few others.Yes..long day indeed-weather turned a little messy as i got back to rochester.I may have to forgo the butler show by making this trip but i still have the road rules. Thanks again larry. Bob S
  10. Got signed up for the tourney,sent out table fee for the swap and got my reservations for that night.Seeya there. Bob s
  11. you should do it and enjoy time together-have a great time.....bring them down for some musky fish`n(the tourney or opener)i`ve got room on my boat. Bob S
  12. works with musky tourney at chautauqua with 100+ entrants!!anyways ...just my thoughts sol
  13. Hopefully someday they will make the pike entries catch and release.Tourneys have no doubt slowed the pike fishing over the years during open water.The bigguns are far more accessible during winter months as they frequent the shallows.To keep a healthy population of above average fish the large females need to be released.Try doing entries by length and slip them back in the hole for another day.It is nice to tie into a lunker every now and then-more often would be better.Every little bit helps.Selective harvest...not harvest all. sol
  14. too much heartache for one family to have to endure.Larry...My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.Give our best to your family. Bob
  15. well did`nt loose to a router but i got collected in a 3way tonight.Some jack a#$ ran a red light on 104 and hit a neon that spun into my truck.My mothers blood pressure is up and we`re a little sore but seem ok.That light was a SOLID red.Our light was green and the neon was 1/2way through when hit.Good thing i had`nt pulled out for my turn-that could`ve been ugly.The guy that hit us never came over to the car he creamed!!!probably a good thing.He wound up a couple hundred feet+ down from us.Police were there in a minute or 2.Cudos. sol
  16. good one nalod... it`s the new version of "blood line perch" by Baker.
  17. You guys are too much...STAY AWAY FROM POWER TOOLS!!! go back to foot pedal belt driven units sol
  18. Great idea larry...(muskie flee market)...count me in for that.I have a few i`m getting ready to list but i`ll still have more come march.My sales are still contributing 15% for the fund... so i`ll continue with that as well.Maybe we can get the NMA to bring some merchandise???and maybe briefly explain what the club is about and does for the musky fishery for the niagara area by catch and release.Those not familiar with the club may be inclined to join whether they`re from the area or not.Could there a couple lure manufacturer reps there as well(booths)?Would only seem fitting for the event.Well just some ideas. Bob S
  19. The greater rochester muskie show/expo.Get "toothy",Baker baits, Saucky(spelled wrong),red october and i know there are a bunch more around the buffalo area.Mostly muskiesand an lou booth to boot as well as a seminar.See how this is taking shape..lol.And if i did`nt sell most of my baits already i could`ve had a booth myself(sol`s bargin booth) . sol
  20. These look great,now i have to have a few more.Damn u sol
  21. I would like to wish everyone a very merry christmas and a safe and happy holiday season.Indeed it has been a great year for many anglers as well as our introduction to the baker bait(an early christmas gift you might say),a well made proven producer with a bright future.Hope you all find a new addition to your toothy arsenal under your tree.Congratulations to all and to all a good night Don`t forget the milk and cookies HoHoHo Merry Christmas sol
  22. one gets what is available @ the time.I`ll run`m `til they break!!Am gonna mount some down easts though.My drags are on the lite side..at troll speed hooks will bury.I have had the scottys expand from heavy drag b4(1x in alot of hrs),but the form returned.I won`t take them all off but maybe a couple-really like the flush mounts!!!.They work for me so far-lucky i guess. sol
  23. Rod length...and no nitro,staying with the mono on those two for shallow running.
  24. hey oldman...i run the cabela`s depthmaster gold dmg-20`s w/80#cortland masterbraid on 7`med/hvy uglysticks and luv the setup(2rigs).I also run 2 magda 20`s with the okuma copper 9`rods and 30#cortland endurance mono.These 2 setups i use for not so haed pulling baits as i blewout two spools pulling harder deep diving baits.Since i`ve stopped doing that they have worked great with the smaller baits.The 7`ers i runn on down rods and the longer for the outs?flatline.Leadcore is rigged on two Penn 330gt2 reels matched with the 7`med/hvy uglystik.I use scotty holders throughout my boat. any luck down at swifts landing lately? sol
  25. solgrande


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