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Everything posted by solgrande

  1. For those of you who ice muskies during the winter season keep in mind this one thing....MUSKIE SEASON IS CLOSED.Last year some fool had iced 2nice musky down on waneta(i`m sure more were taken) and seamed pretty proud of himself in the picture.That picture was forwarded to the nysdec(thanx retired eco-iceshanty) as will yours if WE see you.These fish IF caught by accident MUST be released immediatley back to the water unharmed and may not be targeted in ANY way.Please help conserve and protect this species in our waters.These fish are found only in a few lakes across ny,they are not abundant. If you happen to see an iced muskie in your travels give the dec a call.I`ll be sending them last years photo to remind them of what takes place down there. Thanks sol
  2. I`ll borrow my nieces crayons and make a sign for ya zach. or better yet i`ll have her make one
  3. here`s another option for icing northerns.....along with a decreased creel limit say 5 to 3,also limt the number of tipups to 3 as well.It sucks when you pull up to a spot and there`s 5 guys in there and each have 5 tipups...it covers a whole cove/bay/weedbed.I don`t see any problems dropping back the limits of each.This will help protect from overharvesting some trophys while still enjoying some ice time and possibly a late fishfry.As far as some leaving them on the ice...call the dec tipp hotline when you observe this practice.Sooner or later they`ll pay attention and maybe the guys will get fined-this is a game fish!!! sol
  4. Hey sluggo...i would`nt mind doing some river fishing next year for muskies.I`m not interested in walleyes so your spot will remain confidential.Any chance??I`m up on lake Ontario so it`s a long ride but willing to make it for mr.musky once or twice. sol
  5. Decrease the creel limit to 2 and no more than 3 and enforce the reg.I enjoy eating pike as well as letting them go.I find it hard to believe that one can or will actually clean a limit of 5pike.I might keep 5 ALL YEAR(and i like to eat them!!)How in the heck or better yet why would one want to limit out more than a few times during the coarse of the hardwater season(a few times too many).I`m pretty sure it`s not because they want to clean them.Tourneys DO NOT help the populations thrive either.especially on small/med sized waters-irondiquoit has suffered from this in my opinion.Pike are still there and some bigguns but the population has taken a hit.Quite possibly from iceing everything.If one must indulge in pike tourneys set up a catch,photo and release the way it`s done in larrys muskie tourneys and help out to increase the quality of the pike fishing and limit the harvest of trophy fish.Can`t change everyone but it sure does`nt hurt trying to educate.Maybe some will get it-some will not and some just don`t care(it`s in their genes).When pulling pike through the ice use quickstrike rigs or large circle hooks so as to increase the survival rates and decrease the mortality while enjoying a multi catch day.Enjoy your hardwater season.I`ve rambled on long enough.Can`t wait to start drilling holes myself. sol
  6. Picked up a deep diver baker bait @6am,hit the harbor/south gap and windmill area of erie-nutt`n.Back to south gap and landed a tanker smallie on a purple chrome foiled rocket on leadcore.Left for chaut afterwards and fished in front of prendergast `til 8pm.Marked 7 diff hooks but could`nt get them to hit.Nitro and jay showed up later that evening.Up early and back at`em by sun up but those hooks still would`nt give in.Left @11am to pickup my new beckman net from scott mckee.Launched from sherriden and up the west river...got net and descided to troll up and out by strawberry island.Picked up a nice 41"er between strawberry and frenchmans dragging my new Baker bait 100`back and netted it with my new net.trolled for couple hundred more yards packed up and loaded the boat with a stiff west wind-not exactly an easy thing to do when your solo @ that launch!!.Pretty productive short outting.Thanks zach for the bait and thanks to scott for being up the west river. sol
  7. well then.....14hrs down...72 togo. sol
  8. Happy veterans day to all veterans,and a belated b-day to the marines. sol
  9. love to but gotta work.I`m gonna stop at the river sat am for a few hrs before heading to chautauqua then hit it again on way home sunday.
  10. I have been ousted on both!!
  11. thanks trophy hunter,i will do that.I`ll probably be solo and have a 16`white starcraft bimini may be up and makeshift partial encloser if weather is bad.Good luck Bob
  12. I`m gonna head up there in a couple weeks...still seems to be a little slow.I`m heading to chautauqua next saturday and maybe hit the river for some jigg`n on the way home. sol
  13. Hey ray...forward that box-o lures on over this way.I`m sure they`ll go just fine with my antique lure collection...and i`ll take gooood care of them I`ll even leave on of my boxes at the launch lol sol
  14. I`ve got a couple boxes you`re welcome to use.Cranks,jerks(sledges!!)spinners(inlines blk/org,blk/silver stud dogetc.),gliders shallow deep it`s all in there small and large.Geared for chautauqua fishing.Even got a nice box of red octobers and good selection of depthraiders-dbls in 4colors 1ea straight and jointed models,big Game twitchers and set of rockets.Let me know if your`re interested. Bob
  15. looks like nitro got ya set up,anything i can i help with let me know.Only been there that one time but learned alot about the water now just have to learn how to catch fish.Glad to have my computer back!!I may try for conesus this wknd not sure.The niagara is producing as well. sol
  16. Well looks like good fish`n weather for the weekend.I`m itching to go....got nitro talked into going(yeah that was a tough sell )for a day-i`ll run solo on sunday.Talked to customs today...i`m ready to get fish`n. sol
  17. that is good news fatgrouper11.It was either gonna be the larry or chautauqua for the moon phase-(planned this early this year).I usually hit chautauqua but not this year for this trip/time.I`m a bit excited to finally hit the 40,got high hopes!!!I`m sure i`ll pass u a few times this weekend.Good luck to you guys as well.Cya on the water.
  18. sounds good larry.Gonna go check things out this wknd, nitro may join me for one of the days. Bob
  19. after work on friday to fish sat and sun.Have monday off!!!got maps...been studying for awhile
  20. Anyone hear of anything going on up there yet....i`m heading up on friday for a day or so.Running solo-1st time on the 40,have only been on the river 1x and my axel pooped out.Hopefully get into one.Hey nitro.....you up for a road trip?? Anyone have any info for black lake musky as well...if i get blown off the river i may shuttle over and search for some there.I know theres not many but i`ve heard of them caught. sol
  21. large woods scene with 8 & 9 pt racks on the sides.Dark frame.This is 90"X60" $75. If interested shoot me a pm,post a reply or call my cell 1-315-576-1208 Thanks Bob S
  22. 2 couches,2chairs,2 end tables and a dbl foot rest/table.This is a great set for someones hunting camp.$125 These are located in greece. If interested shoot me a pm,post a reply or call me @ 1-315-576-1208 Thanks Bob S
  23. All fixed!!!!
  24. I`ll probably take a ride that wknd sol
  25. Pier at seneca is good and try the bridge on the parkway @ long pond too.Braddocks is right next door as well.Spillways in canal should not be overlooked!!!use minnow baits and spoons.try firetiger patterns. sol
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