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Everything posted by solgrande

  1. I managed to get down there on sunday-bless them bass tourney guys they are great people :rofl:That`s another story .Anyhow i managed to troll up a fiesty 31"er from down the middle north end.This fish came on a green chrome depth raider out 75`on a down rod.My last 2 fish have come on these at the same depth.The first was on a firetiger(hmmm?)got any firetiger patterns yet zach?They are also the straight version.With some luck i`ll be able to run my smaller shallow divers down there with newly aquired penn reels and leadcore I`d like to run my downriggers but it`s a pain in the buttocks-maybe i`ll give it another try.was using electrics but may switch to manuals if i can get them back from a buddy Oh yea...that fish came at warp speed..5.5mph!!!fastest i`ve ever caught one.I was even trolling with red october twisted tubes with pull and pause and drop back tactics of which i will do again.Got pretty good vibration for a tube! Cya Bob S
  2. Looks as though your making up for last year...nice going zach-keep it up.I may hit it sunday am-we`ll see.I`ve been off the water for awhile now.Got alot of catching up to do,just short on time man..would love to be out there. sol
  3. Dropped some prices a bit.Thought i`d list them here first. Bob S
  4. Hey larry good luck and watchout with that FLOATING stik....I had one not too long ago,It`s at the bottom of waneta! sunk like a rock.gotta get me another,anywhere local have them? cya Bob S
  5. i`m guessing she`s not aware of the whole legal size thing
  6. Zach... You would have to fish lamoka!!!
  7. Told toothy when we were out in the niagara couple weeks ago that i`ll be fishing in chautauqua that weekend....sorry man!!! sol
  8. Nice zach......got some great pics
  9. Yup..save money...how`d that work out!!!!!@#*%@#
  10. Cleaning my uncles place,keeping some selling others.All are older mounts in great shape.10 pt is semetricle and nice $200.Coyote skin $60.Bobcat mount has damage to tip of ear.Short hair $50(obo) `cause of condition.Steer skull $45 and a bear rug $175.Condition is ok.Missing 3-4claws on one front paw,seperation of skin(decay just under jaw on side.is matted on bottom and has gromets for hanging.Fur is nice and cinnimon in color,head is great shape as well.I also have a lowrance paper graph bluewater pro.Flasher-graph LRG-610A in exc shape...make an offer! OK....so after a tip and an email it looks as though i had to remove the duck from my listing,I need a damn permit to sell it!!Anyhow..everything else is good.Feel free to make offers,i won`t be keeping any of these.Thanks misd for the tip. Thanks Bob S You are welcome to stop in and take a look just give me a call and set something up.315-576-1208
  11. Hey john...as for those spreaders...Buy 2 sets and cut the ends off the one and use electrical tape to bound them together.Tape each end ,1/2 way down and wrap some through the coiled end.Wrap the tape tight to keep them together.These are much stronger than a single pair and will get that mouth open and keep it open!!! Sol
  12. Bomber long A and mepps 3/4oz little wolf both in firetiger.6"jake in glitter perch and 5"wiley in pikie.Also can`t beat a white spinnerbait!
  13. Spot on nitro!!!thanks for the headsup on the phase.Made sure i was on the water for it.It`s sad that the locals would`nt want to keep a strong musky population.I have heard about their COOKOUTS!!Even more reason for stocking in other waters around ny.... Firetiger baby!!!
  14. Bought it and now donated it to the waneta musky gods.I`m thinking i should stay with that pattern!
  15. Well...i managed one this morning.Short day ,grad party to go to.Was gonna measure it in the water BUT...my floating stik does NOT float!!! 5:30am on firetiger depth raider.
  16. I`m heading to waneta tonight for a few night hrs...take a nap and up again at 3:30.Anyone else heading down for the am??give me a shout.16` white starcraft(bimini up if raining)Blk f-150 musky stiker on cap.I`ll be solo if ya wanna tag along(cast and troll).315-576-1208. Bob S
  17. Welcome brooke and that is a beauty.Is it coencedence that your fish hit around 1pm as did my 45"(my best as well) and nitros fish as well????anyways your stories are always welcome here and congrats again.Nice going Bob S
  18. put two of those little fishes on yer finger and stik it in dat dare water holding apparatis.
  19. JTD....i`ll take your flo bluegill though!!I just emailed the guy BEGGING for m000re!
  20. We too had a great time at chautauqua for the opener.Managed just the one fish(less the bass off chaut.pt) and a solid hit but did`nt hold on a glide bait) up in mayville trolling a nice 45"fish that placed 6th.Came on a 5"muskellunch which we lost the next day that lure had caught 2 fish..one in waneta @ 41"and this 45 from chautauuqa-I NEED TO ORDER MORE!!Great day to be fishing and good conversation among friends.Hats off to Larry for a well run tourney and a fantastic turnout.Lee and wendy...way to keep the food flowing-great job! Sol
  21. Nice fish zach....did you get it out of lamoka `cause theres no fish in waneta Whose tape measure did you use?joking aside...nice catch! Bob S
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