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Everything posted by solgrande

  1. Got a few for ya....i also should have 4 new bulldawg style baits from Eric @ guide dog tackle(wi)(these are nice baits).I bought another one the other day(got a few...lol) and he said he will be sending another to me as thanks.I informed him that i would donate it to the tourney and he shot back with an offer to donate 4more @ no charge for the raffle!!!!(pleasent surprise)Sooo...i`ll be bringing them with me,i should have them by then.I thought that was very generous(Kudos to Eric ) .He stated that it sounds like a good cause and would like to help!!I guess you know what i`ll be throwing lol!! Cya Bob S
  2. Great to get out and enjoy some pig and talk fish`n,brought out mom for a little day trip(she got to chatting with carol-nice lady) and glad the rain held off.Nice relaxing afternoon.Thanks nma for for a good eat and nalod,larry,chad and kate for a wonderful day.Good luck all of you with the tourney(if you need assistance during the day -if we`re in the area we`ll lend a hand give a call-315-576-1208). See you next week. Bob S
  3. i left them out in the sun while i was preoccupied with musky fishing and the boxes(i assume)acted like an oven and cooked 2 of my tuff shads and a jones bait at a later date.Couple others cracked as well(big game etc).If ya use them KEEP them out of the SUN Gotta run....i`m heading out to the NMA pigout!!!! Bob S
  4. when does that raffle and auction take place?i work `til noon and won`t be on the road until 1pm.I`ll be bringing my buddy kevin and chautauqua partner with me(he will be a last minute descision).
  5. no weeds mr.zach...just big toothy fish!!
  6. cobra...got 3 of`em...just kidding.No more problems with the plastic,bought me a musky medium from lakewood in fishoflage and another plano hanger box.To think of all the lures i sold i would`nt have to buy more boxes ....wrong!!!Singled up i fill 4 boxes.The musky med is for my bigguns..8"-13".Those big gotchas are beefy!!!
  7. very nice sol
  8. hey zach...that solid body looks a gotcha.I just got done with coating some lures.A couple of 7"fat body gotchas and some others.Gett`n ready!!!Got a few more slappers and smaller gotchas.That epoxy works great...thanks Bob
  9. I will be there larry as a member i`ll be going anyway.Got something for you as well! Bob
  10. I should be able to make it,sounds like fun. Bob
  11. well larry...should i win one of them(really like the 1st one!!) i will put it into my antique lure collection next to my bite`m baits,ke-ads,latianos(only 2)surf-orenos etc bob
  12. there....couldn`t resit.Bumped`em both up for ya.
  13. sorry for the delay it`s been a looong week.We did`nt do great but managed afew.Ofcourse the bigger ones were seen behind my bait but they were only teasing me!One of the guys managed a 27" 10lb catfish on an xrap minnow-go figure.Most fish were caught on the last day as usuall in big bay.fish the 8,9-10fow and drift into the weeds.Most of the action came in the deeper water on the edge!!brass spoon with a piece of red tube on hook shank produced but the bigger follows came on a 6" biggame twitch`n minnow in redhorse and a 6"straight believer in perch.As i said i could not get them to take it though.Also picked up fish on a bomber long A in firetiger and mepps #5 in blk/org.Troll north of causway on left side and stay in 8-9fow and veer up the middle(picked up two there on the bomber and biggame.Fishing was so tough could`nt even find the big bull bluegills in my favorite spot-looking for a fish fry as usuall on that trip-smallies were`nt even there. \ Zach...there are musky in there but very few and they are usually bigguns from what i see in the photos and word of mouth.I`ll go to the larry before i toss for them in black lake. cya sol
  14. Heading up to black lake in a few...will chime in upon returning.Have fun at WORK everyone Bob S-sol
  15. WOW...good going guys .What a boost.I`ll send larry another $40 of my own twds the fund-in ref to this bait sale by Matt.I could`nt go as high as the bait is now but will contribute a few more $$$$. Bob S-sol
  16. what kind of boat is it???flat bottom,deep v and what motor and $$$. bob S
  17. Bomber long A in firetiger,mepps #5 in black w/org blade and mepps little wolf in firetiger(3/4oz)!!!Those are my go to`s.Ooops..well maybe a white spinnerbait with tandem willows and a trailer hook(a MUST)with white trailer and org tips or plain white will do.If i could take 4 lures these would be it for me. Bob S-sol
  18. i`ll be up to black lake that wknd for some pike fishing.good luck sol
  19. That`s a great idea old man ,hope it holds for ya.
  20. Just a Little nudge larry,glad i could help out a bit.Hopefully this will keep up,the way it`s going your goal will be met.It`s great to see the effort put forth by everyone everywhere.Every bit adds up.NY muskies are in great hands. Bob S-sol
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