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Everything posted by solgrande

  1. Head`n down in the am for a couple hrs.Anyone else? Last min.decsion!
  2. Awesome!!! anything else just ask,be glad to help.I want to get my niece out there...she`s 5 and said she wants to go catch a biggun.I was thinking age 6 or 7,we`ll see.May be kinda hard keeping her amused for a troll but that would be great to hookup. Bob
  3. i`ll have to go with nitro on this one.I would start shallower though,say 15`(early in am)with something like a shad rap in perch(can be bought locally @walmart/dicks or gander(5").If you can drop your rods in the water `cause of floating weeds.I`d try 1 back 30' and one back50 '(however i generally run 25-30'back with @least 1 rod depending on the lure!)as time goes by move out(28'neast side) set lines farther back say 75&90-100'.I have luck running 3-4.5mph(gps speed).If your marking fish cover that area and switchup if no takes(run shorter/longer/slower/fast-mix it up)and move on.figure 8 with your boat.Watchout turning with different line lengths out,it can create a mess!!Good med equip minimun and run a leader.Lastly....please practice catch&release(take a quick photo).It`s a fragile fishery,make sure the fish is able to swim away on its own b4 leaving area(sometimes it can take several minutes of assistance to achieve this).Good luck Bob
  4. I think i`m gonna have to retract my prior post.Just out of curiosity i removed all the splices in my wiring harness(old wires) and ran directly to my battery-it works!Well i feel like poop.I just had to send them a damage control email.I went over and borrowed my friends sonar and hooked it up and that did`nt work either.that`s when i figured something might be wrong.OOOPs Zach...All fish were clipped.
  5. Man am i torqued!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i just recieved my replacement lowrance sonar unit in the mail friday(woohoo-no more portable unit) and thought i`d get right to using it on sunday...NOT...it does`nt power up. #*@% ugg.Are u kidding me.What dumb luck.
  6. solgrande

    I Bay Report

    nice catch ,i`ll be on sodus or ibay today(white starcraft)for northerns.He`s not holding that like a rookie......whatchout for those gill rakers!!!! Bob
  7. no redspot...it looked as though he got hit with a prop.Fish did come on small profile baits.No hits on the lg profiles!
  8. Not sure what you`re talking `bout....but NO!!! How was it that your phone got dunked..you dropped your rod overboard???yeah that`s it!
  9. Made it down there thurs nite and crashed in the back of the truck.Starlit night with a heavy dew. Coyotes woke me yipping so did`nt sleep well-was cool though,nobody was @launch site `til morning except a fox in parking lot.Regular wild kingdom.Nitro showed at launch time and fog was heavy-thank god for GPS!!!in the water...1/16th of a tank of gas,bummer!!started casting on westside(5-8') out of channel and hookedup with 4lb bass on dbl cowgirl first cast with that lure.Started trolling same side off ist point and a 40-42"hit a 7"jntd big dick in firetiger 75'back(fought nice)had a little trouble and a local(Bob-17'tracker)stopped fishing to help(8am ish).That was cool.Fish wrapped up in net(cut hooks)and released without pic-oops(fish was whooped-water very warm).You`ll have to take my word on that one!!Trolled some more...I NEED GAS!!came back(11 ish-picked up nice pickerel)High blue skies ALL day) trolled same side 2nd point down over 19' and landed(called nitro for assit.his phone was dead) and photoed a nice 43"that hit a mordas crank in firetiger pulling a spoon(props to gus )(hit crank but attracted by spoon---hmmmm-shhhh! ;-secrets out!).Text`d zach(whom by the way was still WORKING)with that fish just to show`em what he was missing-gott`em all fired up We went in for brats and a break twds 4pm,zach pulls in.Nothing else `til just before sundown got a 34"east side twds noth end on mordas(same-w/o spoon)60'back over 28'.Headed out around930pm-Beat-good day on the water.Floating weeds tough-use down rods.Got new camera-hopefully i can download pics-new software.Thats it cya Bob
  10. sounds good...i`m also gonna give lamoka a shot,i`d like to probe some of those features over there.so i may be there longer,we`ll see.I had planned on hitting seneca for some northerns on the way home(mid lake around starkey)or out of sampson not sure.
  11. I`m heading down thurs nite and into fri afternoon8-13/14. Bob
  12. Ok...i forgot the name(rd and shop) but here are the directions to where i get mine.Empire blvd west from the bay,go past culver and at your next light(few hundred yards)there is a bar and a baitshop on the right side corner(very little parking).If you want nice suckers you`ll have to pay by the pound.Pricey but well worth it if he has them.They are the best i`ve found. Bob
  13. BlueEye....what do you think about splitting up the forum?I thought maybe there could be a bass/walleye and musky/pike forum.Seems to be more and more talk generating in the esox category.More people are coming aboard thus more conversation.Thought it`d be a good idea.What do ya think?
  14. Hey zach....welcome aboard, the knoweledge you bring will be beneficial to all. bob S
  15. There will be a memorial tournament in october it is put on by mr.toothy(jim reynolds and bob saucke)for their friend mark troy.He holds it every year.I`ll find out the dates and post them.But one for this site would be fun too!!!I`m in. bob S welcome zach
  16. no...but i use them in conesus for pike
  17. Fierce predators!!!that was cool.
  18. Now all you need are rod socks so you don`t snap off an eye.Fine job
  19. Hey nitro....surely you have a better fish to display in your avatar!!!???That thing looks like BAIT!!
  20. Well...Im entered and cabin is booked!!!!!!!!!!
  21. get your entries in early,may fill up fast!I`ll be out there thurs-sunday that week.
  22. Great job blueEye...looking good. gus(lee), does this mean you WON`T be selling your stuff? umm uhh it just came to me.yeah that`s it!
  23. Hello chad.....how was the stripper fishing? About the tourney....it is basically on the honor system.They use muskie inc.rules.Measurment must be verified by either your partner or you have to call someone to come where you are,Witness has to sign the entry form and give their phone number.This was the case with nitro,he was solo and gave gus and i a call on the cell,lee jumped in and helped out while i took photos from my boat.While waiting the fish must be kept in the water.It would be a good idea to QUICKLY photogragh your catch.We also took one with the fish in the net(measurement is visable-used a craddle).We log all catches on the back of the form and submit the biggest.There is no wieght involved just length.Stay with your fish until it can swim away on its own!IF you are by yourself MAKE SURE you get some cell numbers from someone willing to come to your location before venturing out.The winner did not and had to call larry jones(tourney director) who inturn had to call around just to get someone up there.The winner did however reward that boat(driver and his partner) with a generous gift$$$$$$ which was very cool and goes a long way with other fisherman-he also contributed to the hatchery bait fund as well as dropped some in the happyhooker i was impressed Hope you guys can make the next one,it`s alot of fun and a chance to meet new people who love to fish muskies.I`m booking our cabin this week! Bob
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