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Everything posted by solgrande

  1. I`ll be running a rigger!just bringing one .hey nitro...gotta pass on the pint ,a beer on the other hand...i`m in!! gonna be a long day sat.
  2. That is why i put post from capt.larry @ end of 1st para tough guy,(next time i will use quote though).Now let`s go catch some fish!!!!!!!that doesn`t mean you nitro.lol Hey nitro....when u gonna be there????we will be there friday morning,do a little fishing and scouting then setup camp.sent you a pm Good info blueEye
  3. fyi....i have a partner(gus) for tourney-looking to add more entrants.
  4. Hey chad...looks like you were trolling? i hear the north is turned on.Any particular depth they seem to hold at?(send me a pm)sounds like it`s gonna be a good tourney/turnout.A few from the rochester and surrounding areas are making the trip.Thanks Bob
  5. Nice catch blueye....we have a tourney this coming saturday at chautauqua.read on...these are some impressive #`s.maybe see some of you there..!post from capt.larry First 3 place teams all registered 7 fish each. This was a team, total points tournament, not biggest fish. 1st Place: Joe and Toni Ferraro 2nd Place: Paul and Dave Fec 3rd Place: Adam and Bill Andresky There were at least two teams that caught 6 fish each that didn't place... Frank and Jacob Alcorn and Dale Wiley and John Ryhal. 50 people fished the tournament and 49 fish were turned in, but there were more caught that didn't get turned in. Several mid to high fourties released. Very close between the top 5 teams. Probably about a 35 incher for anybody or just a little bigger fish here or there could have changed the order around. Probably the best, competitive, closest points, tournament I have fished. Great party Friday night at Nick Pflum's and a very fun tournament. I heard there were over 60 muskies total caught & released in the two days counting the subs,add that to the 17 muskies caught on Friday thats 77 muskies in 3 days.That is good fishing for muskies! I wonder how many will be caught at the July 25th Cash Tourney. Hopefully one of the Three Rivers Members will give us an update on the sizes of the muskies caught & released in the Tournament.I can't wait for this coming Saturdays Tourney,I'm not fishing in it because I'm collecting the Cash to hand over to the Winner and cooking hotdogs on the grill for when they all come in.Don't forget Jim Bortz's Seminar Friday July 24th 7:00 p.m. at Happy Hookers Bait Shop in Lakewood on NY Route 394.We will have a 50/50 Raffle for the Chautauqua Lake Bait Fish Fund as well
  6. Thanks to everyone for speaking out!!!!that was a quick response.Gotta give props to zach as well.He got it started over on mostly muskies forum and was able to talk to them directly today.
  7. I Would like encourage all you musky guys out there to back an effort to remove the musky category from the redcross`s reeling for relief fishing dergy.This year they have included them into a category for their derby(cash payout event).This is a two day event which is going on this past sat and ending today.In order for a fish to be entered it MUST be removed from that water(waneta)and transported several miles to a weigh station.As we all know these fish are fragile and cannot withstand being out of the water for any length of time(a pic and measurement are about it).My problem with this(and it should be yours too)is that they will be removed for"profit".I was down there this past weekend for some fishing and was bothered by this whole thing.I met a guy down there whom was very tourqued about this (another musky guy-zach)and he even had a couple guys from pa ask him for his 40"fish that he was releasing.That should sum this whole thing up for you!!!!!! The derby site is http://www.reelingforrelief.com There is also some buzz over at http://www.mostlymuskies.com I called the redcross saturday and only got an operator,she told me to call during work hours-she did listen(for 15min as i layed out my opinion of their derby)and was cooperative and understanding.I invited them to visit the hatchery and see just what a valuable resourse these fish are-they should not be killed.I will convey this messege come monday to those other an operator!!i hope you will too. So i invite you to send emails make phone calls to the redcross to get them to reconsider their position.There is but one lake(900acres)in their "fishing zone"which harbors the musky and that is waneta which is fed by chautauqua fry from the pendergast fish hatchery(of which is the only one in ny).I have fished(many others as well) in a catch and release tourney on chautauqua(08) by capt larry jones to benifit this hatchery and give aid into feeding the musky fry for relaese,i don`t want my donations to support a catch and kill tourney..how `bout you????We need to preserve these fish.We practice catch and release for a reason... so we can enjoy hooking into a large specimen and therefore preserve them for future generations NOT for someone to collect a cash prize for!!So take a few minutes out of your day to help out if you can Thanks Bb Solley This was caught and released from waneta 1 1/2yrs ago -42"...i`d like to see `er now! Date on pic is wrong..
  8. welp did`nt do so good....got there last night to find out the redcross tourney started on sat.,got little sleep,no fish,motor broke down @ the north end and got towed by a jet ski(nice guy,let me use his tools to no avail)pulling out of lot(where they jammed a vehicle and trailer into any nook and or cranny)caught a trailer corner down side of truck pulling out(NICE!!-just bought it)`cause the nice guy who parked soooo close did`nt leave me a can opener-guess i should`ve looked a little closer!should`ve pulled out farther-that probably would have been a good idea as well.Still the same.NUTS!!!drive home was better...did`nt get into an accident!FYI....i was informed by tourney players that they INCLUDED musky to their tourney.Yup..you guessed it,they have to be removed for weigh in!I`m gonna look into this some more to validate it-true or not .We`ll see how was your day? cya Bob
  9. very nice...would`nt mind hooking onto one of those big boys.Gotta run
  10. hitting waneta tonight and in am-overnighter
  11. just an 8" The happy hooker in ashville should have some. Bob
  12. talked to lee and it looks as though we`ll be going back out to chautauqua for the seminar/tourney.Sounds like a good time.Gonna see if i can drum up some more people.Gotta place a tackle order!
  13. could name them all but long.pics look pretty good-viewable.any questions call me,pm or email.Added but not in picture is 1 legend used 1x and 2spinnerbaits,late entry.Just got too much.i will bring them to you if not to far from williamson or one of my fishing holes! $190(u pay shipping) 315-576-1208 cell Thanx Bob
  14. 8rattle baits9strike king,cordell),13spoons(daredevel,mepps,etc),36stik(shallow and deep)(storm,rapala,bomber,reefrunner),16cranks(bomber,cordell,matzuo,manns,poes),8spinnerbaits,4topwater(northland,zara spook,manns,dbl buzzbait) and misc.1mini spin doc,1mini dipsy,1 cable release (and some other misc spoons etc-not pictured-these are not included in the count but going with it) Local...i will bring them to you if not too far from williamson or one of my fishing holes.Can take more pics if needed,i know it`s all bunched and all is not pictured.Musky lures also available-lot of46 $180 contact via email/pm or call my cell...315-576-1208 Thanx Bob
  15. i use 80#floro with ball brg swivels and cross lok snaps 8-14"long,a steel leader with good snaps 45# will also do.sometimes i use them as well,will vary with the individual,these are what i prefer.good luck.I`d hookup with ya but i`ll be flyfishing for brookies in the mtns come friday. cya Bob
  16. WHERE`S MY LURE!!!!! was working sooo good he probably made up story and is hiding it!).Well i made it back there for friday to hook up with gus and picked up 2...both trolling.1 `tween belltower and irwins out in 25fow 25`back on a redhorse biggame lure(615am),he was 30-32".The other came on end of the day trolling run in front of we-wan-chu just off the edge.He was better @ 39" on a 6"it`s a dick jntd lure in blk perch(6pm ish)30`back-had my small net with me.Both were down rods.was thinking `bout seminar.when was it?
  17. Have`nt fished it much (fish chautauqua more)but try trolling the middle of the lake on short lines and off the point.I use stalkers.Got a nice 42 there b4.Let us know how ya did Bob
  18. Well we managed a 34" on saturday and a nice 40+followed me to the boat just before that.this was my buddys 1st ,mission accomplished!got him a skee.We fished all day in that downpour on sat.Broke @ 1230 to dry cloths and went back out.My fishfinder **** the bed when it filled with water,i`m still trying to dry it out.gustofson is out there now and sent me a pic of a 36 incher they boated this morning....way to start out the week gussy!!!! I`m heading back there thursday after work. Bob
  19. I`m impaitiently awaiting the weekend,let me @`em.Been sorting boxes(again & again etc.etc.etc),making leaders and packing for chautauqua all week.Taking my buddy pete out for hopefully his first skee.Got high expectations for this weekend.Hooking up with gustofson next weekend.Hey gus...happyhooker says he`s got some shiny new legends in!!!! stop on in,you need some more.haha grande`
  20. well done....they sure are purrty.Got a couple a few weeks ago there.They were my 1st as well.U heading for chautauqua sat??Looks like crappy weather-(excellent).Should be good.I`m phyched,Just rigged my boat with a bimini(tarp and tent poles)for wet weather.Rain or shine...the hunt is ONNNN
  21. got SKUNKED saturday!follows but no takers
  22. Hey tough guy...don`t be sad. i could tell ya but it`ll cost ya!!!!rollers are fuuunnnnnn.cya
  23. chautauqua...leaving friday.I`m kinda fond of that water.Probably the week after also.A friend is going to be out there all that week.
  24. Anyone fishing conesus saturday?I`ll be there @ sun up for some topwater.
  25. No sir,sorry,much better... US ARMY
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