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Everything posted by solgrande

  1. I just wanna fish !!!! Chance to get out of the house.. We'll see ya'll there!! Hey ole'man... Big fat juicey steaks and a beer would be just fine.😋😋😋
  2. Believe that was discussed couple yrs ago.im guessing such a meeting would have to take place on a Saturday!!
  3. This is part of an email written by mr peter levick pres of Muskies canada regarding an event that is being planned between Muskies canada,Muskies inc ny chapt 69 and others in and around the Clayton area.. Just wanted to pass it along to you.. I want to take the opportunity to provide a bit more of the vision for the event and we can shape it as we work on it. It begins with the desire on the part of both the Gananoque chapter and Muskies Inc Chapter 69 to strengthen their relationships with on and off the water. We have has several new members from ch 69 join Gan and participate in the annual outing. Bob Solley of ch 69 has become liaison for Gan chapter and Jim Herod of Gan is liaison with ch 69. Several of us from Muskies Canada are also ch 69 members. Relations As someone that regularly fishes the St. Lawrence I hear from many of the regulars that they are uneasy about border crossing (lack of knowledge) and therefore don’t take advantage of the opportunity to fish on the NY side, visit Clayton, and socialize with our US colleagues. The session this week was about changing this with better knowledge. The next step is to actually put together a small scale event that gets us together to apply our new-found knowledge and build familiarity. We chose Sept 17 for several reasons. It is one week after the Gananoque Outing. We thought it would be too complicated to do this during a big outing with 50-60 participants. September is prime time and many of the regulars will be out on the water the following week anyway so we thought this would be a good time to focus on something cross-border. Both chapters are interested and willing, and word of the event (let’s call it a Fishing Day) is beginning to get out. I attended the Muskies Inc. national Board of Directors meeting in Minnesota last month and several of the Board members were interested. You saw the participation on Tuesday of Muskies Canada members from other chapters (Ottawa), many of whom will likely also participate. It is our hope that we will ave 20-30 participants altogether, perhaps 12 - 15 boats. We would organize the event in a similar way to our Chapter Fishing Days, where participants can launch anytime and fish as late in the evening as they like (often the best time of the day), but everyone would come in to a common location for lunch and a social break. This model is very popular for our informal events and allows a lot of flexibility while allowing some time for sustenance and stories. There is another element in the mix which is important. That is Dr John Farrell and the Thousand Islands Biological Station (TIBS) of SUNY. Its location just off Clayton is ideal for there o be a role for TIBS in the event. Dr. Farrell made an excellent presentation to ch 69 last September and the relationship between the chapter and TIBS is growing in importance. He has collaborated very closely with the Gan chapter and is involved in several levels of fisheries management and planning involving both NY and Ontario. We think that TIBs may be able to host a tour at some point during the day, perhaps during the lunch period. We have even suggested that the participants may be asked to submit log data, and where appropriate, scale sales to TIBS to make it a Science Day in addition to being a Fishing Day. The lunch component, of course, means that Canadian anglers will be stopping in NY and so the appropriate clearances will need to be established. This is exactly the type of practical application and learning-by-doing experience that would be beneficial. Lunch arrangements are yet to be made. Lunch could be held at TIBS or in Clayton with a TIBS tour as part of the day’s events. Your suggestion of the Antique Boat Museum facilities is very interesting and could be an excellent solution. Boat dockage will be one of the issues we need to accommodate, especially if we have over 10 boats. To help advance the planning and broaden the participation of key agencies that might help us pull this together, we might want to organize a planing meeting in Clayton sometime soon. Thank you. Peter Levick
  4. Was a great meeting last night in gananoque... I picked up some pamphlets that I'll have at the banquet.RCMP and US coast guard have formed a joint task force to patrol intl waters. I can elaborate more later. But if you fish border waters you'll want these.If you cannot attend msg me and I'll send them to you...I think I may have enough??
  5. Ma has a doct later today but I'm gonna try and make the trip if it's not too late.itd be a long drive either way. Hopefully do so and take some notes to pass along,be a long at work tomorrow for sure. Anyone have a question for the RCMP or coastguard?(if I'm able to make it),i'll try and ask a couple if not already covered.
  6. Glad ur able to make it to the outing jay... It'll be a good time, great guys.hopefully it won't rain again.. That sucked.
  7. ... Would be a great one to attend. Meeting Location Royal Canadian Legion, bottom floor, 55 King Street (just west of Stone Street), Gananoque, ON
  8. Message Frank Shelton Joined: Sat Aug 15, 2009 6:30 am Posts: 1202 Location: Damp Places Gananoque April 5 Chapter Meeting Gananoque April 5 Chapter Meeting We are pleased to have as guest speakers for the April meeting , The RCMP joint task force , the Ministry of natural resources ( Can) , the US coast guard , the Department of natural resources ( USA ) and Canada Customs and Border services , This will be the first time having all the agencies together to answer any questions you might have about the rules and regulations , cross border fishing , expectations when stopped and im sure many other questions , please come out and support this evening . We will also have a discussion on the proposed CAN - AM day planned for September 17 at Dr John Farrell Fisheries station , looking forward to seeing everyone there _________________ I love golf it keeps thousands of unworthy off the water
  9. Gananoque chapter ofMuskies canada is having some great guest speakers tues.Rcmp task force,mnr,US DNR,can coast guard discussing and answering questions on travel and fishing requirements on border waters.Also discussing the poss can-am( dr john Farrell). 3 agencies.i posted a pic of the post from mc board.
  10. Yes sir.. Especially on a morning like this... Should be out there😩
  11. Got ma out for a wknd trip up to gananoque to meet up with some friends Jim& liz.Took in the scenery over a primerib dinner at the glenhouse overlooking the river.Great staff and the view is awesome.We'll be back up for Muskies canada gananoque outting in sept.Great event held at the glenhouse,this is the view. Can't wait for season to open..!!
  12. Worth hittn the bays up for perch itch to get boat wet but have limited time. Msg me if you prefer. Thanks in advance for the help. Sol
  13. I can also make a case for brad Perkins aka nitro musky!!
  14. This the New York Muskies inc. chapter 69 Mark Treu memorial award.
  15. Just throwing it out there in case I missed something. Couple yrs ago we voted on nominating a member for their contributions to the musky club and Muskies in general & was given away at the banquet.It seams as though we missed out on that last year, there are a good number of members who would have been worthy of receiving it and would have been humbled and honored by being chosen as I was. With the banquet approaching I would like to see this move forward and not miss another year. Should this move fwd and I hope it does I would start it off by nominating mr Zach baker!!!i could come up with a couple names but Without zachs vision we may or may not be where we are today had he not brought the topic to the forefront of creating a ny chapter.Along with that his unselfishness of helping others,donating baits to the club for the raffle tables and auctions while asking nothing in return. All for the good of musky fishing everywhere.He has also donated his time and products to several other clubs to maintain a better fishery. In my opinion Zach would be the best candidate at this time for such recognition-Well deserved!!
  16. I'll get in at the ohio show, great cause.sure sounds like a great guy. I'd be happy to contribute.
  17. I went last year and had a great time. Good people and a variety of vendors. Looks like it'll be a little bigger than last year. Couple more vendors.ill be heading down sat morning( toothy is ridding shotgun)2am.. 7 hr drive from Williamson.Going to the max too.This time I'm staying at the Hampton inn & suites mention the show it's rates are $80 per nite.Side note there is show in Toronto in February,listed on the Muskies canada site.
  18. Whoops... Dbl posted.-sorry. Lol
  19. Been offsite for a bit so I'm slow in getting news.... Saw this post and is a bit disturbing...about the only thing I think we can do is get with our mi chapter and maybe the fish and game club down there and have some informative signage made and see about posting them at the causeway,campground,marina, park and damn. What do you think?
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