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Everything posted by solgrande

  1. very cool ...i was thinking about that yesterday,wondering when....
  2. i use the 300e and 301e and love`em both.I too switch off and use 8'6" & 9'rods with them.Have had no issues at all!!very smooth sol
  3. I purchased these baits to support three rivers and will be putting them up on our raffle table at the banquet to support our chapter as well.Todd young also donated a stinger glide bait from FatAZMusky that will be added to it.Thank you sir. Sol
  4. Cleaning up a bit making room for some new toys.I have not used this much and would rather see someone put it to use than to just there.In good working conditionw/sunshield,batt&charger,i/r viewing has cover for screen & tripod for over hole.50'cord. For pickup or delivery within rochester area(work in webster). Call or lv msg here.$100 Also have a St.Croix Avid Ac300A reel over on ebay Thanks Bob S 1-315-576-1208
  5. St.lawerence tomorrow for the day!!! sol
  6. Got two pike couple weeks ago trolling for muskie @2.5+mph.One trolling a new 7"baker in firetiger that i had let wayyy too much line out and was cranking it in as fast as i could while doing 3mph and a pike smashed it.The other was on an 8"muskellunch 2.5mph.Both on the st. lawerence.So i`d say have at it.They still bite. sol
  7. Nitro and i went up a couple weeks ago for 4days and went 2for 2 ....PIKE !! damn things.Got pretty windy and we got caught behind wolf isl when the winds roared....Glad we made it back across to cedar pt.That was nasty!!Winds again next day and we headed over to launch at gananoque.Last day got stuck fishing the american shore and the eagle wing group because of the winds.Those last two days were pretty cold and again nutt`n.So it goes on the st.lawerence...as if that were`nt enough to keep me down i`m heading up for the day tomorrow to have another go at it.I`ll try next wknd if the weather holds up as well. sol
  8. fishing was`nt good but did learn a few new areas.Water temps were 65 and the floating grass was`nt too bad.Still a pain though.Launched from cape vincent and fished down to tibbets point were i marked the only fish.Those were stuck on the bottom and did`nt look like muskie.Wound up fishing grenadier island area the rest of the day with nothing but a small pike that thought he was big by going after a cowgirl in mud bay.Heard of one muskie caught off tibbets a couple days prior and another around wilson bay,that was it.Pulling mr.toothy`s,depthraiders and muskellunchs around and lost one scotty rod holder off grenadier.Sorry not much info but hope it helps. Bob
  9. Lee and i will be among those attending.......i knocked the dust off of lee to get him out again. sol
  10. nice fish dan
  11. hey gert...i`ll be heading up there friday night sept 27 for the wknd to distribute flyers for our muskies inc meeting/outing in oct in clayton and i will be doing some trolling and casting in that area and i`ll let ya know the conditions and the outcome of the trip.Got some new toothy`s and bakers i`m itch`n to get wet.I`ll more than likely launch outta cedar pt or prescision marine(keeping my boat there for mid oct/nov so i don`t have to haul it back and forth).will post when i get back sun. sol
  12. hey oldman...be careful with those power tools...hehe
  13. we`ll have too see larry...may be on the st lawerence.
  14. no autopilot...45"shaft and does come with the mounting bracket(base).Slides right off or lock it in place to avoid theft.Fits nice on my 16' deep V starcraft. Bob S
  15. Upgrading to a terrova......have the pwr drive still installed on my boat if ya wanna see it.Interested give me a call & we can set something up.It will be coming off soon.I can send you pics if needed. Bob S (1-315-576-1208) Thanks
  16. waneta fri nite.Taking fred out-new member to mi and new to musky fishing/first time he`ll be out.With any luck we`ll get him his first musky.
  17. well said ivan........long hrs indeed,i`m still looking for that one.I come up oct/nov and learn a little everytime about that area.Hrs well spent-long cold days...does`nt get much better than that unless ofcourse ya hookup.I`ve had some rips in the clayton area of whiskey isl and one brief hookup off whiskey in alexbay,that`s been it.Sure as hell not for lack of effort.I`ll try again starting sept with a couple trips over the summer.Bob And darryl of waterwolf are great guys and work hard for you(been out with`m once).Would like to get out with signman a time one of these days.Sorry but i can`t be of more help.I`m putting in my hours,working hard on and off the water and always keeping my ears open for any tips.I do work the breaks and flats with lures from 10' to 30' @3mph(i can`t get any slower without a drft bag unless i put out a couple mr.toothy`s lol).Seeya out there. Bob S(sol)
  18. thanks for the info muskyitch....we just signed up tonight(2).
  19. that`s awesome you`re able to do that...jealous indeed.Nice work sol
  20. Tigerhunter......i was able to fish paradox a few years back and loved it!!awesome lake and some big northerns reside there as i`m sure you`re aware.I had that lake among others(ie:cranberry etc)on my have to get there some day list of big northern waters.I stayed at the campground and hopefully they have fixed that damn launch-was rough to say the least.If your thinking of using live bait you can catch it off that little island but watchout for that shallow rock with a shine on it....it`s aluminum from my lwr end lol...that shallow cut between the two basins produced well for me.I would like to get back there someday just a long drive from williamson. Thanks joe....found`em and we just stayed on them-cudos to kevin for hanging in there and sticking with it.That bait must have been easy prey for those tigers `cause we got them dizzy.lol sol
  21. glad to finally have met ya old man
  22. Had a great day on the water seeing everyone and picking up a few fish to boot.We started out casting but nutt`n was going on so we started trolling the northend @ 945 ish and got a little lucky finding fish right away.Got one on a rocket and the other 3 on a chrome depthraider working baitpods around 19-30fow.(36,36 1/4,35,30 1/2 and a fat bass).My buddy kevin and i picked up two each along with a fat bass while casting.Brad and zach were cruising by when the 2nd one hit and got a good pic-thanks guy`s.And thanks to to brad,toothy and saucke for putting on the tourney.Congrats to joe on his 41" and to jim on his 40".Hope everyone has a good season and if kevin does`nt keep his other hand away from the lure in the net i`ll be saying I TOLD U SO !!!let`s hope that does`nt happen.He`s getting better though.I`ll have to show him a few of my not so well placed hook photos. Thanks sol
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