Anyone else ever get one on a tube jig? I got a 31 lber in Cuba lake one spring a while back. I was fishing for rockies and c and r smallmouth. I thought I had a record walleye or a giant catfish until I got it up and saw the huge scales, heaviest fish I ever landed.
Its too bad just a few years ago we would come home with a big stringer of big pannies and bass fish dill dark and catch a bunch. i saw a boatload of cottages for sale looks like people are bailing fast.
So we went down to Honeoye today, Got on the water at about 3:30. The plan was to panfish for a while and then bass fish till dark.Crabs and small jigs with waxies were the baits as they had been the go to baits in years past. ended up with 4 nice gills and 3 medium perch .Overall it was slow, fish were in 15 to 17 but the water was ugly, murky at best. when the wind died the algae kicked up and the bite died. Bass fishing was a bust nothing tried senkos and spinnerbaits not even a stray bass on a crab. needless to say this lake is off my list until they get their act together with the algae and water clarity
Has anybody been to Honeoye or Conesus in the last few days?. is the water clarity decent?. I was thinking about fishing in the next few days down that way but I don't want to waste a 2 hr drive for mucking around in the algae. Thanks
I ate a bass, a crappie and three perch from Honeoye caught on October 12 or 13 all were delicious and I did not get sick. I think the risk is in the summer and handling a fish that has the algea on it that can get you sick.
Try senkos or tube jigs. Most town or county parks have ponds with largemouth bass in them, they are easy to access and a great place to practice your fishing skills. Pineway Ponds park and the Parma park are two that come to mind on the west side.
Hit the Vine Valley area Saturday. We used small jigs tipped with fat heads and drop shot rigs and caught our limit of cookie cutter 9 inch perch. Great day for fall fishing, the wind died from about noon to four and that's when we caught most of our fish. Thats it till spring for me I live closer to Lake O and will hope to hit the big ones in the bays in a week or two.
Hi All,
My three familair panfish waters for me are Keuka, Honeoye, and Canandagua(Woodville launch). I am hoping to get out this weekend. Based on water temps, weeds, water clarity. Please chime in on where would be a good bet to have a good day on the pannies. Perch, bluegills, and crappie are all good with me. Thanks!
Hi how are the algae blooms on Honeoye right now, I would like to get down for some bluegills and pumpkinseeds but its a bit of a drive for me and I don't want to burn a trip. When is it a safe bet overall to avoid the algae in the fall? late September maybe? thanks
I use willow blades. Those were probably small pike who were short striking, You can add a trailer hook. With spinnerbaits you definitely get some hits where they don't get the hook.
this is fail proof. Get out and be at your chosen starting spot just before sunrise this is a 1/2 -3/4 hour period before the sun breaks the horizon. Throw white spinner baits, all white or with some yellow/chartruese Try all different directions not just shoreline. The are some reletively deep 6 - 8 feet holes in the salmon creek part of Braddock's, concentrate on those areas. I gaurantee you will get a few. Forget the wire leader with a spinner bait. I normally don't give up spots, but this is the worst kept secret in Monroe county. Everyone throws white spinner baits at Braddock's
Right at sunrise, before the sun really comes up. wacky hook a large live crawler. 4lb test so you can cast and hold on for dear life! I used to do this when I was young. Now I don't get up so early and usually throw Senkos and tubes.
HI All,
Has anyone done any fishing on 6th lake of the Fulton Chain of lakes? I will be up there around Memorial Day,also can you get to 7th lake from 6th lake? Thanks for any info you can give me
Great fish!!! good to see you even if it's online. I heard from frank G. you hit a few bombs this year, congratulations on winning the championship again this year!!!
your old baseball friend.
I was at a family party on Honeoye the other day and was limited to making casts off a few docks. I tossed Senko's out to the weed lines and worked the lure back and hooked numerous bass over a 1/2 hour period. I see people working the weed line in there boats and casting in to shore all the time. Has anyone tried getting in tight/shallow in there boat and working from deep to shallow. I know Honeoye is infested with bass anyways but I was just wondering if this would work as a consistent option on water with a weed line similar to Honeoye(Silver,Canadice).