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Everything posted by labonz

  1. labonz

    for sale : usa 31 foot Baha Cruiser

    changed plans,
  2. labonz

    for sale : usa 31 foot Baha Cruiser

    I could stop by Friday afternoon before 12-3. Very interested.
  3. Interested, can I come take a look?
  4. SOLD now the task of closing the add, yuk.
  5. This is the Hook7x, still in box with a cover included. Its a very nice fish finder but has basic GPS tracking. I used this one time and bought another with a better gps . This unit cost me $225 which is still the price if you can find it on sale from $250. So the price is firm at $150, first come first serve for this basically new 7 inch Lowrance fishfinder (w basic gps tracking) located in Orchard Park, NY TEXT 716-860-258seven PICK UP ONLY IN ORCHARD PARK, NY
  6. Do you have the male end to the battery cable for each and did you try em out and all works, line counter, pullies, fast strong retrieve etc?
  7. took the photos down to 72 dpi but they are not posting, whats the way
  8. My brother and I are born one day apart and we try to do a fun outdoor event together every year to celebrate. We had birthdays thurs and fri of last week and because he turned sixty we decided to try something challenging, a marathon fishing trip for Walleys at night and then salmon the next morning. The weather finally allowed Sunday night/Monday mornning.so we went walley fishing Sunday night on Erie and then after we quit we headed straight up to Wilson for some salmon fishing. The winds on Erie were supposed to calm down at 11PM but the ride from Dunkirk harbor was challenging to say the least, but the fishing was good. Caught some nice walleyes but the bite was later than usual, I think the full moon took Water some time to get used to. Things got prettiy hot between one and two AM when I actually got two walleyes on the same plug and my brother got one on his rod at the same time for our first ever two plug tripple! For those of you thinking of going out, the green snot weed is getting to be an issue so the days for this type of fishing are numbered. Salmon fishing at Wilson was great the next morning. We got a 21 ib salmon within 15 minutes of putting down, ( wire dipsy purple with chartruese mag spoon). The bite was steady and we landed 4 kings, 22 lb the biggest and one coho. We lost three screamer kings as well and headed back to harbor at 10:30. The walleyes came in 6 ft of water on rapallas and the salmon at 80 ft down, green and yellow mag spoons mainly, only two hits on the spin doctor flies.,The wire dipsy or downrigger pretty even. Never marked a fish, most bites around 180 ft deep NE of harbor. If you do this marathon make sure your well rested ahead of time, I was the driver and took a marathon nap sunday afternoon and my brother took cat naps on the ride and in the boat just in case I need a sub driving home. All in all one unique and memorable trip; two great fishing trips on, two great lakes back to back: where else you gonna do something like that. If your a sportsman, you got to love Western New York.
  9. Fishing Report Tom / Trophy: ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s):8-7-12 Time on Water:8-4 Weather/Temp: Wind Speed/Direction:sw 10-15 Waves: 1.5 Surface Temp: 76 Location:Olcott and east LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): 27n =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits: 13 Total Boated:7 Species Breakdown:3 kings four steelhead Hot Lure: chartreus dipsy, moutain du spin doc yellow green fly Trolling Speed: 2-3 Down Speed: 2.2-2.6 Boat Depth: 250-500 Lure Depth: 70-90 ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS hit one locomotive that busted offhttp://www.lakeontariounited.com/fis ... post&f=14#, 25lb and 20 and 17 lb kings, bite 10-2 or by the time we got deep enough, spoons hit one early salmon then rest steelies, spin docs and flyes for 6 of 7 salmon greens and chartrues, not much on blues and purples shut right off after two. lost two nice matures, nothing on cheaters all fish down 70 to 90 on the thermocline ====================
  10. Went out yesterday afternoon 7 29, caught 6 skippers , (2 to 3 lb kings) and one decent one about 13 lbs. the small fish all came off a cheater rig with a mag green and gold, the almost legit king came off a white spin doctor with a green and white fly 75 ft down. Fished from 1 to 4 pm, imagine it would have been better in the morning or evening but the big storms south of there kept us home in the am and had obligations in the evening. Did not have a down speed and temp on my friends small boat but marked some nice fish and bait pods 70 down in 180 ft , east of the red can to 4 mile, most of the small fish where near the can. No fleas or weeds, not many marks deeper than 200 first chance to get out since spring, things seem to have improved a lot since then First post on this board, very grateful for the all I am learning here, eager to contribute but I am still pretty much depending on luck and it was so so yesterday labonz
  11. I can pick them up, I'll take em for 180 minus shipping
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