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Jolly II

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Everything posted by Jolly II

  1. Good thread with the season starting in 2 weeks. I've never really used a lot of scent control products in the past. I have taken a lot of precations, washing my clothes in distilled water, and storing them in a plastic bin with an open box of baking soda. However in doing some home work this summer, and considering I hunt the Bergen Swamp, I learning that this scent control is an important part of being successful on our swamp deer, both bucks and does. With not a ton money to spend on stuff, I'll be trying Salmonite's recipe. Thanks for sharing that.
  2. Lou, It was fun fishing you this year. It's great when we get together and ping ideas off each other. It's deffinately made me a betther fisherman. Sad the season is coming to a close, but pumped about the upcoming archery season. And when I'm in the stand deer hunting, I'll already be thinking about the upcoming 2013 fishing season. Let's do it again next year! Chris
  3. Nice Box! Saturday was a great day out of Sandy for us as well, Sunday was the complete opposite. Amazing what 24 hours did.
  4. Nice Fish Bob!!! Glad you and Charlie are doing well at this salmon fishing thing. Good luck on talking Deb into the bow hunting thing. LOL
  5. Nice Mud Chickens!! I'm pretty sure that was you that went by us on our way back to Sandy around noon, from the east. I was wondering if you had some fish to weigh in. Nice Job!
  6. They were very bad for us this past Sunday morning. I usually use 30lb big game, but they still made a mess with that line. I'm thinking I'm going to have to splice in some 50lb. They are really bad this year already.
  7. Add to that, there is a 40 million dollar surplus in the conservation fund that was created by our license fee increases several years back. I'm sure we all remember that. So the extra money is just sitting around, doing nothing, while we have laid off DEC personal, and made cuts to fish and wildlife projects. I've been following it as mush as possible in the New York Outdoor News Report. Then I read an article in the same periodical about needed funds for hatchery upgrades, improvements, and repairs. Really????!!!! That's a real burn.
  8. Rick, If you haven't sold it, I'll take it. Thanks!
  9. I've got a combination of 1 and 2 above. Stored up front in clear boxes, by color, size and manufacturer. And vinyl hangers in the back of the boat of the most used spoons, organized in similar fashion.
  10. Awesome Lou! Already can't wait till this weekend.
  11. Brian, Glad to hear you had a good trip on Sunday. And talked to my Dad yesterday and said to say hello back to ya. Bob, Nice going on the fish buddy. I'll be out next sunday, phone in my pocket, if you and Charlie are out that morning give me shout. Chris
  12. Very nice, Paul! Looks like it should swimming right off the wall.
  13. Thanks for sharing Scott. Looks like a great line up of sponsors this year. Can't wait to fish this, it will be out first year.
  14. Agreed Tom, we need some west wind for about 3 days to set things back up. Didn't make it out this weekend, but glad I'm not missing out on much.
  15. They had to close their shop on Hojack, and he is now making the spoons out of his house. He is no longer putting them in packaging either. Mitchel's Bait shop in Charlotte has tons of NK, not in the package, and they are a great price too. Pat built that little spoon company from the ground up, and NK became the main spoon on Lake Ontario. I'm really sad to see the way it's been going.
  16. That's awesome Sean! I like it when a newbie get hooked. We fished the same depth on Saturday, but out in front of the park. We did take a peek out over 200, but not as many fish out there. Our best water was 90-100, and 60, 70, and 80 down. I had a couple of guys that are newer to the fishery, they started trolling the lake last year. They had a good time, and picked up a few pointers as well.
  17. My insurance is through Charter Lakes. My experience with them has been very positive. Some of the other captains on here are through them too. Check out their website at www.charterlakes.com. Good Luck
  18. I guess my secrets out... that's a decoy. It's suspose to impress costumers. LOL
  19. Hey Tom, Is your boat the 20', tan blue fin I saw backing out on Saturday morning down at the river? I fished with a couple of buddies that morning and I think you were pulling out into the river as we were backing down the ramp. Just thought now to ask, the boat in the above pictures looks familiar. Nice Kings too!!
  20. Yup, their paint sux!! Most of my Michigan stingers have paint issues, anything from just a few flakes gone to the whole spoon is just silver. I'd be willing to start a Michigan Stinger buy back program... They can buy back all my once painted spoons, for $6.00 a piece.
  21. I totally agree with you Gambler. There are so many fish in our lake there is no way we could out fish it, and if we did, well.... that's good news for the alewives. Compare the fishing effort now to the fishing effort in the late 80s and early 90s. I remember when I was a kid almost every boat docked at Sodus point was either a fishing boat or a charter boat. And the Olcott and Wilson local economies were booming! That's not even counting Little Salmon and Oswego. And thanks to websites like this, and all the guys on here, for getting the news out about New York's fisheries, and making them bigger and better. I don't mind sharing the fun with others at all, that's what fishing is suspose to be, fun.
  22. We've had a couple of fish this season with scars, and one laker that had a lamprey attached, but not that bad. Talking with biologist this winter they said they are still treating the main lamprey spawning tribs, as well as trying to keep up with newly discovered tribs. Perhaps you are seeing something related to their spawning pattern, like they are staged in the lake within a mile or 2 of their spawning tributary. Just my thoughts
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