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January 18, 2009
Last visited
January 18, 2009
Everything posted by Nucleus
PM sent (on Facebook) lol.
Wow, I wish I were in need for more spoons. Great deal.
I am interested in buying them. Shipping cost to 07036 Linden NJ?
Thanks in advance.
You still haven´t replied to my question.
What would the shipping cost be like for shipping all three to 07036 Linden NJ ?
Please do so.
I will be the one paying the shipping cost anyway.
Are you willing to ship ?
If yes, have a look at the shippingcost for all three shipped ground shipping to Linden NJ 07036.
Hi all!
I will try to put together some old downriggers I have.
All of them are missing some parts lol.
Most of them have been bought online on various fishi9ng forums and came without mounting bases.
I need some mounting bases for three Scotty downriggers. ( I bought two here on LOU but unfortunately i got S**ewed, so they came without mounting bases).
Some days ago I purchased a pair of Cannon 10As here on LOU, they are sold without mounting bases/sviwels, so if... you got the grip? lol.
Needed are also mounting bases and sviwel bases for Cannon unitrolls.
I also need some rod holders for Cannon downriggers, both single and dual are of my interest.
Some cables and connectors for Cannon electric downriggers would also be nice.
I also have a sport troll that need a mounting base.
Thanks in advance.
LOL what a man and what a seller.
Well the story didnt end there.
I replied, sent the seller my adress again, and he told me that he would send the bases.
Once again nothing happened.
So if anyone here has a pair of Scotty downrigger mounting bases, I would love to buy those.
They are the black plastic part closest to the hull, with one stainless nut in each corner.
Believe the nuts are 5/16" unc.
And while talking mouting bases, I also need some bases and sviwel bases for Cannon downriggers.
it is highly appretiated if I could get some used ones.
Thanks in advance.
Email and PM sent regarding the downriggers Stevie!
Thanks Bob!
Please respond to my PM Tom
I wil take them if Muskybob dont.
I will take them if you accept Paypal?
They must be shipped to 07036 Linden NJ.
Thanks in advance.
Hello Richard!
I sent you an offer some months ago on the Scottys.
Just let me know if you change your mind and are willing to accept my offer.
Payment can be taken care of before christmas.
Have a nice weekend.
Best regards.
PM sent on both unitrolls.
PM sent on the stickbaits
Hi all!
Thanks alot for your support and for showing interest It means alot.
I was not aware of your feedback here until Chris came back to me earlier tonight and also told me about the posts.
It seems like everything turns out fine, Chris had missed my posts, emails and PM´s due to a new main Email addy and that he had been in the process of moving
He told me that he would ship the bases within a week.
Once again thanks alot for your support, just let me know when you visit Sweden and I will take you out trolling Baltic Sea Salmon
I will look thru my PM´s and get back at all of you during the night.
Still waiting to hear from you.
Have you sent the mounting bases yet?
Pm´s and Emails doesnt seem to work, you want me to try smoke signals?
Still waiting to hear from you.
Have you sent the mounting bases yet?
Still waiting to hear from you.
Did you send the mounting bases?