I'll save you some money bud, you don't need a blind. Just find a good tree or brush pile that covers your back and sit still. Unless you are hunting with a bow or have turkeys super patterned to a specific location you don't need a blind in fact it often hinders the mobility you need to get on gobblers. I have similar thoughts on decoys, while they work, and occasionally they are the ticket, more often than not you do not need a decoy, if a turkey is interested they will come looking, sometimes if you have a decoy they hang up or if you need to move or exit you end up busting a bird because you need to screw with a decoy. That being said I have decoys and occasionally use them but they should be good ones, turkeys know what turkeys look like so a cheap decoys should be left on the shelf. Now calls you need, for a beginner I recommend you get a couple mouth calls and play around with them, Some people pick right up on them and they are the best call to use but make sure you get a push button yelper and a pot style call, they are easy to use and get you up and running quick. Rather than a blind get yourself a good turkey vest with a really nice seat cushion, you will thank me for that Good luck