Hey John, Thanks for the invite. I work a lot of weekends so it's hard for me to plan too far ahead. Going out this morning and we are going to try 3rd Creek again. Hoping the sleds have blazed a good enough trail. The blowing snow stopped us yesterday, but today looks better.
We went off 3rd creek today, snow is deep, lots of drifts. If you can stay on the snowmobile track the walk is bearable, off the tracks it's tough walking. We set up in 18' of water. Saw lots of perch on the camera and flasher. Caught about 10 dinks and only 1 keeper. Like I said we saw a lot on camera, even a fair amount of good sizes ones, they just weren't interested in what we were offering. This new snow is going to make it very hard to get out there with out a sled. 12"-13" of good ice now.
I am still a novice at this hard water stuff so I get a bit excited when I hear of macines going through. I will probably still bring the quad with me and make my decision at the bay. I was down by 3rd Creek a few weeks ago and there was open water where the creek flowed into the bay. A friend went out Sunday and said it has since closed back up and he was drilling through 12" of ice. Hopefully the warm weather over the next couple of days doesn't do too much to the ice. I have never had so much fun fishing as I have on ice.
All advice from you guys is appreciated.
Thanks for the update, it was good seeing 2 excellent reports from this weekend. Finders Keepers was a fun read. I couldn't make it out this weekend.
Also, Thanks for the Warning, I think I am going to be walking for the rest of the season. I know there is good ice on most of the bay, but why take chances.
I was on Sodus Bay yesterday, went on at 1st Creek, (public boat launch at the end of Margaretta Rd.). Ice was mostly in the 9"-10" range anywhere we drilled. Had some large pressure cracks happen while we were out but is very normal to hear while the ice is refreezing. One sounded like a rifle crack and the water jumped out our holes about 2". Lots of quads, and a few sleds out there with no issues, but as Gambler said be careful around certain areas that are prone to impede ice formation and carry a rope.
Fishing report: I took a buddy out yesterday we fished in 12' of water and mostly got skunked, 4 Perch total no keepers. Only spent about 4 hours out so we did not move around. We set up on the Western part of the bay, right in the middle of that end, within 100' of a bunch of other shanties. Got interviewed by DEC coming off the ice, and he felt we should be in the shallower water because Perch are spawning right now. He was very surprised to hear how bad we did.
OK, I took a ride down to Sodus Bay, and all looks pretty good on the western shores. There is a bit of open water near 3rd Creek. but the ice was stable and solid near the public boat launch at the end of Margaretta Rd. There were only a few guys on the ice but it was late in the day and a bunch were coming off, talked to a few and they said the ice is still 14" all over.
Heading out Sunday.
Thanks, I bartend Friday nights at Lyons Rod & Gun and was going to get some local updates tonight. I know of those closely guarded secrets of Perch in Seneca Lake, hope you get into them this weekend.
So how did the ice fare over the warm spell? Does any one have any thickness reports? I mostly fish Sodus Bay near the Point.
Here is my report from last weekend
Only caught 6 fish Saturday, 3 keepers. Was on the ice from 2:30 until 5:30. Sunday I did about the same, caught 10, 2 Keepers. On the ice from about 8:00 until 4:00. All Perch, nothing else. The 4 I kept were very large, 12"-14" range (I keep nothing under 10"). Ice is still between 12"-14" thick, lots of standing water, and some slush. Was a good day except the wind really got going sometimes and caused problems.