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Everything posted by wonderboy

  1. Sept, Oct. is a great time to fish the mouth of the salmon. you don't have to go far on the lake, Back and forth across the mouth. the fish are going in the river to spawn. To many boats to troll the river,their casting for them. Its a made house but theres alot of fish. Go for it! you will not be disappointed.
  2. Hello guys, I'm looking for Commander II trigger trolling rods, 8' 6" their older. let me know. Ciao Wonderboy
  3. try useing a hair drier, it will work on the apoxy then cut the thread with a razor thats what i use. i repair and build rods. Be careful with the razor u don't cut into the rod finish.
  4. Someone said on here that power pro makes downrigger cables. any comments and where can i get them. thanks guys Ciao
  5. How do the scotty beads work, maybe i'll change. need new cables anyway. Ciao
  6. Ya, i put a crimp on both sides of the beads. Don't crimp them so hard, just enough to hold the beads in place. Don't kink the cable. You can also use bow string crimps, they have plastic on the inside to protect the cable. Ciao
  7. Hello, Are the floating goose deks still 4 sale
  8. Ha guy's, i have a question, i just installed my x4 (works fine) but the surface speed & temp is different then my gps surface speed & temp. what 1 is correct. How do i know if the down speed & temp is correct. thanks Guy's
  9. Gentlemen, is it worth the extra money to buy the X4 or should i just get the Depth Raider. what will i be happier with? Thank you wonderboy
  10. Thanks Guys!!!!
  11. Thanks Ray!!ya i guess thats the best way. i use 20# berkely an40.
  12. Thank you fishstalker, but how do i do the 20%? with the rod bent pulling up or with rod straight pulling that way? I've been fishing all my life and i always did it pulling line off the reel with my hand and ajust it that way. wanted to know the right way.
  13. What is the desired setting?
  14. hello men, i have a question i think alot of fisherman would like to know. what is the proper way to ajust a reel drag? Say for 20#. With a weight the rod bent or stright. Is there a formula? Help
  15. Ha Guys, Sorry to be a pain,i have another question. can you use braided line to troll with. I figure no stretch, better hook sets. what do u guys think? Tom
  16. Hi guys, anybody doing any good with the eyes, if so on what and how. Coming up thursday. Thanks Guys Caio
  17. CBish, what did u pay for it? i have cable. west Marine has it for 17 hundred $ with a 100 $ rebate.
  18. Guys, i was thinking about getting a autopilot for my 19 ft alum. bow rider so i can fish alone when i have to. my question is do they work well and is it worth the money. thank you guys!! is anyone selling one?
  19. hay guys I just bought 2 otter boats, my question is the rope on the boats it says to tie a loop 9 inches from front and 14 inches from back. Do the boats run true that way? Thank you Wonderboy
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