Send me a message! Those were trial colors... Quickies I whipped up. I have them from 3/8oz, to 1.5oz. I pour all the heads, and paint them, and tie them!! Or can make the heads painted w/o bucktail for running platic flukes.
Well, as a lot of you know, i've been working day and night trying to perfect my craft of customizing fishing tackle. Thanks to everybody on this board who either purchased spoons, test ran some spoons, or took me out on your boats for personal experience, as I am not a troller, I am officially LEGAL now! I took the dive into the unknown looking to make the finest trolling spoons availible, and so far with the feed back I've gotten from them, they are right on! When I sold my first couple batches of spoons, I was scared to death... I had no clue if the ideas I had would apply to lake fishing, I found out the hard way, that one of my very first spoons was an instand classic! Not to mention, I had 20-30 others that weren't too shabby either, all taking their share of fish! Even had 3 fish making the tourney that I know of, and many others that were very close. I have come up with what seems like 20 or more new spoons per week, some are going to be fish catching machines!
Without all the feedback I recieved, none of this would have materialized! I am very proud to say, " I am a fisherman, working for FISHERMAN" and that will never change! I am now presently building a website for this business. My company name is Finger Lakes Tackle Co. I thought it was a great name to proudly represent Lake O, and the finger lakes region. I have a facebook page same as my company name where I have been posting many new patternsevery day. I hope that I was as much of a help to all of you, as you were to me! Every penny that I recieved from spoon sales has gone back into my work. New paint colors, better glows, top of the line hooks, webpage, equiptment, and a lot of experimental products as well!
I haven't posted many new spoons on here in a while as I have been super busy making this happen so heres a few of many new ones! Enjoy!!
Moldy Bread
Dr. Slaughter Family
Drunk Martha
Last Supper
Steelhead Revenge
C'mon Mat, retire that spoon already!! LMAO the thing is bent all up, looks like a stampede of cattle ran it over! I see not a lick of paint came off it!!! BTW, I'm getting out of spoon painting, I'm just gonna sticker them up!
I paint them to order. Usually ships the day after, depending on the size of the order.
$6/mag $4/standard size They come with rings, you pick your own hooks for em!
I’d just like to take a few moments and try to help some of you out there with understanding UV “Ultra Violetâ€, and how it works, and how it may be used to put more fish in your boat. By no means am I saying what I am about to say is 100% true, it’s just my take on how this works, and the way I think about it, and the more I think about it, it makes perfect sense! Now a lot of you would assume I’d only be putting this up as a selling tactic, I’m not, I’ve just found that a lot of the lure industry is just putting out baits and saying they are UV enhanced, and that will make more fish bite. Well in my opinion that may not be true, and in some cases that may be right on the money!
Have you ever went outside with no shirt on when it was 65* and got sunburnt so bad you woulda thought it was 105*? I did earlier this year. Back in late May I did some river Smallie fishing with no shirt on, bright sunny skies, no breeze, but the sun was doing damage! While I watched the weather report before I went out, I noticed the UV index was going to be an 8 (which is very high) especially for that time of year.
Now we as humans do not see the same colors, and see in the same light as other living creatures do in the UV light spectrum. Thus making it harder for us to understand what fish would see. UV rays penetrate deeper into the water column than other light sources do. The higher the UV index, the more visible a UV enhanced lure should be in deeper water, and the more visible it should be in dirtier water.
Now, how many of you have ever been outside while it was cloudy and rainy and got a sunburn? Probably never, thus the clouds block most of the UV rays, and would also put a damper on how deep a fish can see something that has been UV enhanced. The next time you go out fishing, and you’re wanting to try out UV baits, check the weather for the UV index before you go, as I honestly believe it will do you a lot of good knowing you’re putting the right bait on the fish on the right days. If it’s going to be cloudy, leave the UV in the box, bright sunny days, high UV index, bust it out and see for yourself!
Few new Glow, UV, and Glow/UV spoons
C Worthy UV/Glow
Evil Twin Black Glow
Evil Twin Green Glow
Anna Conda Green Glow
Lord of the Kings
Kermit UV/Glow
Freakin Frog UV/Glow
He!! Razor UV
Bright N Early UV
Dr. Pain UV
Foster Child UV