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  1. Thanks. Good info.
  2. Ok. Thanks.
  3. If these are still available I will take them. Do you have PayPal?
  4. jj22

    for sale : usa More Free

    Thanks. I will pm you
  5. jj22

    for sale : usa More Free

    Do you know what size the prop is. ? Thanks
  6. If still available. I would take them. Thanks
  7. Thanks. When I’m ready I will bug you for some details.
  8. Lowered price.
  9. No , only for trolling motor. The ones I am interested in buying are LiFe Po 4. Thanks
  10. Mine would also be strictly trolling motor use. No cranking. Thanks again for all the information. Very helpful
  11. Thanks. Do you mind telling me why brand you bought??
  12. Has anyone done research on lithium iron batteries? There are a ridiculous amount of brands and the price range is crazy! I was looking to buy a 12V 100 AH. But I can’t find anything on which makes one brand better than the next. Thanks.
  13. 10 NK Mags. All very good condition. $35.00 Includes shipping. PayPal preferred.
  14. This was Cannon reply when I asked about the problem. A little disappointed.
  15. They should do a recall. Mine are only 1 1/2 years old. And only weekend use , shouldn’t have to replace parts already.
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