I am setting up my boat with a Minn Kota Terrova on the bow with a bow mounted Helix 5 Hummingbird and then a Helix 7 Hummingbird at the back of the boat. I just read that wiring a fish finder/electronics on the same battery as the trolling motor could cause interference with the sonar/Down imaging. Have any of you experienced issues with this? It would be so much easier just to use the same battery in the bow for both the Terrova and Helix 5 Hummingbird. The Terrova has the Dual Spectrum Chirp transducer built in and will connect to the Helix 5 and I want to be sure to get everything I can out of it. The Helix 7 in the back of the boat will have it's own transducer on the transom.
What do you think? Should I just run the extra wire all the way from the back and link in the two Hummingbirds off the Outboard's starting battery?
Wow . Thank you all for the great information. It looks to me like the way to go is to have a kicker motor.
I have a question .... Do the trolling bags ever get in the way of the trolling lines or the landing of the fish? Seems like it is very possible.
Thank you for the response. Don't have the boat yet but I am looking at a 17' that has an option of a 40 hp up to 60. I am going to use it on Cayuga for trout and then Oneida for walleye. I haven't seriously considered an electric as I don't expect the batteries would old up 8 plus hours would they?
Will a 40 or 50 HP outboard 4 stroke troll down and maintain a consistent 1.8 mph speed? Will it even troll down to 1.5mph?
If so will this be ok for long (8 hour) days of trolling? Will it damage the motor or shorten it's life?
Will a 60HP troll down that slow?
I don't want to use a trolling plate but if I did .....does it hurt the motor in anyway?
Thank you for any input you can give.... hoping to hear from several people who have experience with this.
Recently retired and looking to buy a boat and want to get off to a good start. Thanks in advance.
JakeyBaby you can se it on youtube .. the tourney director suspected something wrong when the weight of the fish came in at 6 lbs but looked like a 4 pounder. He felt the fish and knew there was something hard in it so he cut it open.
Thank you for the comments all. I didn't think there was much difference in safety between the metal and glass boats but wanted your input. Thank you again.
Do you feel any safer in one type of boat over another in a storm?
Is one at less of a risk of being hit and/or of having less severe consquences once it is hit?
Thanks for the info Wayne.
I am trying to make my mind up as to where to look for a slip and if i should "slip" a boat. The responses are surely going to help.
Do any of you guys sleep on your boats? While it is anchored? At the dock?
Thanks so much for the information guys.
I have a couple more questions if you don't mind.
Is there decent trolling oportunties at the north end if i am mainly after trout/salmon?
I have always thought the best trolling was down in the southern third of the lake.
Do your boats stay right in the water, docked up all summer?
You don't worry about the waves smashing the boat against the dock? Is it protected from the waves?
Is anyone willing to give me some information about slips on Cayuga Lake?
I am looking at getting a 20 to 24 foot boat and leaving it at the lake.
I have no idea what a slip costs or if it is even a good idea to leave the boat in the water all the time.
Any advice would be most welcome as I am hoping to avoid rookie mistakes.
Up to now i have been going with just a small 14' boat but I want to get a big one with downriggers and planner mast so I can go after the deep trout.
I have heard some people just leave their boat on the trailer and leave the whole rig on rented land. That won't work for me as I do not intend to get a large truck to pull the boat in and out.
Any advice? And what are approx costs?
Thank you in advance.