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Everything posted by jusgrinnin

  1. Looking for a couple pedestal bases for Cannon riggers.
  2. sale pending
  3. I think I counted 109 in all, $200 obo. NK Pirate DW Stinger
  4. check FB groups "ranger dan bred beagles" and "branko beagle owners"
  5. Can you ship?
  6. Saw this on CL it's not mine and I know nothing about the boat or seller. https://vermont.craigslist.org/boa/d/springfield-1996-star-craft-190/7116969878.html
  7. unbelievable, nice "Fish pics" J
  8. been using baffin boots for years, love em. https://www.amazon.com/Baffin-Mens-Titan-Black-Work/dp/B002BH4G6Y/ref=sr_1_9?dchild=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6PDp8Ojp5QIVFqSzCh2pdwT4EAAYASAAEgJyTvD_BwE&hvadid=177141318237&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9002408&hvnetw=g&hvpos=1t1&hvqmt=e&hvrand=7633325142879300321&hvtargid=kwd-784563032&hydadcr=12532_9686206&keywords=baffin+winter+boots&qid=1573738537&sr=8-9
  10. Looking for dual rod holders for cannon down rigger rear mount will consider front need two sets
  11. sold!
  12. SOLD.
  13. Totalscan
  14. Came on a boat I just bought, to fancy for me. I run 2 hook 7 and that's good for me.
  15. Brand new last year came on a boat I just bought and it works as it should more than I want or need. $750 Pm ph# for text pics
  16. Does anyone know anything about what to look for on these boats? This one has been re-powered with an 06 Suzuki 4 stroke. Thanks for any help.
  17. Be here till late Sunday, don't want to take it back to NH
  18. Ttt
  19. TTT
  20. 300 copper okuma clarion reel on Cabela's 8'6 rod. Never been wet! I'll be in Mexico for the weekend $150 cash Pm for pics
  21. Put lead flashing on the outside ski of the folding boards for weight, or otters.
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