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Everything posted by fshnwmn

  1. fshnwmn

    for sale : usa WTB

    Bought two new ones $80.02 to my door I was hoping to snag a used one thanks guys
  2. fshnwmn

    for sale : usa WTB

    Special mate spoon box thanks
  3. 5 inch thanks
  4. I do you fish out of Oswego by any chance? If so, wait till April and I’ll buy it I’ll meet you and buy that.
  5. fshnwmn

    for sale : usa WTB

  6. fshnwmn

    for sale : usa WTB

    Nick no thanks 20 bucks more new right to the house thanks so much
  7. fshnwmn

    for sale : usa WTB

    Ok. Thanks
  8. fshnwmn

    for sale : usa WTB

    Nick I apologize I just checked my schedule. Won’t be there so sorry. If u r interested in shipping for $20 let me know
  9. fshnwmn

    for sale : usa WTB

    I bought stuff off you once before Nik yes I will be there. Carol PLEASE hold it thank you hey also I think I was an observer for u once (?)
  10. fshnwmn

    for sale : usa WTB

    Looking for maxi mate box for spoons they r 79 bucks on fish USA and franks outdoor. Anyone have any for sale
  11. They look like alpine spoons
  12. I’ll take the Redding’s if u hold them for me
  13. Bill if u want to put the j9’s and the ripplin red fins on the side until march or April I’ll take um. If u get a sale no biggie sell um thanks
  14. Looking for STEVE DRAVE from rochester thanks
  15. Ken selesky he sold me flies need more thanks
  16. fshnwmn

    for sale : usa WTB

    Maxi mate spoon box
  17. Thanks but to high
  18. How much for 7
  19. ttt
  20. Ttt
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