My wife is from NY but we live in north central PA, a few years ago we thought about moving up near Olcott, when we checked things out a lil closer, we found higher taxes and more importantly, I am a dissabled Viet Nam vet, In Pa I dont pay any taxes, I have free life time hunting License, Free life time fishing license, and free life time trapping license, my registration on my truck is free, were I live there is not even a police department, I can shoot from my deck anytime I want and no one cares. NY would not give me any of these benifits. Don't get me wrong I love NY but just could not justify living there. I dont see whats going on in NY ever taking place in PA. we live close to the border and everyone from NY comes to Pa to buy gas and cigs. clothing is tax free, Pa sales tax is 6% ny is 8 1/4%, the reasons go on. NY like the Federal government needs to clean house and re-elect people for the people, NY has so much to offer if it were run correctly...Just my 2 cents