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Everything posted by tcon

  1. Way to go fellas...hows the lake...and hows the traffic? Tom
  2. Did you guys draw straws to see who gets to reel in the 300' copper at 7am Tom
  3. Good for you! And good luck out there with any luck we are going to be out with "Skipper19" tommorrow morning. Tom
  4. Very nice. You have a pm. Tom
  5. I bay = Irondequoit Bay Tom
  6. I'd like to see some pictures...can never have enough spoons! Tom
  7. Glad things worked out...maybe if they were packaged in the US they would't be backwards... Tom
  8. Worked from 7 to 3 ish got in my first argument with my working partner in 4 yrs. nothing big though we'll get over it. Glad you caught some fish Ed..what a beautiful day! Tom
  9. Beautiful LL good luck with your 10lber! Tom
  10. They should lock in place the Velcro is just an added protection. Tom
  11. can you switch them around so that the buckle isn't laying tight to the boat boat sounds like the buckle just isn't going far enough to lock. Once they lock in place there should be a velcro strap to hold them in place...right? Tom
  12. Flip the handle up pull the strap snug and while holding the strap snug flip the handle down...if they are the ones I think they are. Tom
  13. Great job BT, thats a pretty Brown! Tom
  14. tcon

    My new ride

    Very sharp looking boat! Tom
  15. Wow that first one is a beauty Paul! Way to go. Tom
  16. Dustin and I are in!! Thanks again for the invite Andy Tom
  17. The lakes only 3 miles long... Tom
  18. Thats the way Tom...another fisherman hooked for life by the sounds of it...make sure you warn him about the sickness. Tom
  19. Nice job Jason I would have killed to be on some body of water today...drove past Canandaigua 3 times today and it was like a mirror all three times. Tom
  20. Cross between a shrimp and a lake trout
  21. Awesome report Chad, I am really happy with the motor...usually you kind of set yourself up for some sort of likes and dislikes..atleast I do and man I can't say enough good about it. It is going to make trolling in the wind and boat control effort less now all I have to do is add another day on the week so I have some free time. You suppose we could get that passed like the 3 rod rule hmmm Sat. Sun. Mon. Fishday Teus......... Tom
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