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Everything posted by tcon

  1. Nice shakedown Brian, glad you had some luck! Tom
  2. Thats awesome I cant say enough good things about my friends Force it has never let us down. Tom
  3. Nice Job Woody and Wife..so the "Bluefin" is running well? Thats good to hear. Tom
  4. Long as you guys had a good time thats all that matters the fish are just a bonus the way I look at it . Tom
  5. Nice fishing Tim and Dad glad you got into them. Tom
  6. Awesome Hunter ! Tom
  7. Nice job Tim, good luck at the pro-am! Tom
  8. I'll go for the 3 to one limit if they go for the 2 rods to the 3 rods limit
  9. Good fishin Mike ! Tom
  10. Wow ! Just tried calling you Mike to see if you had a baby yet! Congrats enjoy every minute they go by sooooo fast! Tom
  11. Nice job Turp we had a nice trip to the bar, all in all it was a really fun weekend even though the fishing was slow. Tom
  12. "585-865-3373 Northern King" not sure about their website. Tom
  13. Great looking fish there Andy nice job. Tom
  14. Way to go Brett, Now if you were smart you'd hide your wallet, that seems to be the next thing after you get hooked.. Good luck fishin. Tom
  15. Excavr, I don't really know about the 5mph speed and not sure about the Debris but from driving by the outlet atleast twice a day it looks alot better as far as the outflow goes. The water isn't running half as much as it was 2 weeks ago there is usually about 6 to 8 trailers at the boat launch most mornings . Maybe somebody thats been out can chime in . Good Luck! Tom
  16. Nice fishin Mark sounds like a fun day. Tom
  17. Eric, You have a pm
  18. Beautiful fish for sure! Tom
  19. Congratulations Tom! Tom
  20. Nice job fellas cant wait to get out again! Tom
  21. Best wishes Chad! Happy Birthday. Tom
  22. Wow! that hurt reading it! Heal quick there's fish to be caught. Tom
  23. Nice catch Split...its been a beautiful week for sure.
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