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Posts posted by tcon

  1. Once again Mike Dustin and I had a blast...He told me later that he doesn't mind if he loses fish when its just him and I but didn't want to take the chance of losing one on somebody elses boat...I told him not to sweat it , it wasn't llike he was he was dropping a $1200. dollar crab pot or anything :lol: We'll have to get out again before you put the "Brown Hound" away for the season.

    Take Care,


  2. After looking looking up Percina caprodes from fish tech's reply I would definiately say its a logperch...thank God! Ironic as it is an hour of "River Monsters" last night was spent on the snake head, the giant snake head and the Asian carp...thank god they're not here yet! The giant snake head have been documented to attack humans when protecting their young.

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