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Everything posted by tcon

  1. Now thats a beaut!!!! What did that one weigh on the meat hook? Tom
  2. I think its channel 68 on the radio Dick
  3. Bob he has 4 posts and all but one he is selling stuff...don't really know where dasalmon is coming from but I wouldn't sweat it . Keep up the good work. Tom
  4. Awesome keep your eye on the weather its storming down in the fingerlakes towards Livonia. Tom
  5. Very nice another couple of hooked fisherman/woman Tom
  6. Very nice! The sound of screamin drags on a friday eve....the sound of screamin drags anytime for that matter...
  7. Good luck Nick that post above was from MarkNY not sure where he was fishing but must be the temps are different from where you are??? Maybe he could give you a heads up. Tom
  8. Ted, I had a little insight after talking to a friend a while ago...insight not experience but when you think of it probably 95% of the bait fish forage have white bellies when the salmon are looking up at them my friend was thinking maybe not the whole thing white but maybe a strip of white along the belly of the weight??? Just a thought. Tom
  9. viewtopic.php?f=14&t=33698<<<----------------What a difference????? Tom
  10. Pictures!! Glad you had a good time! I'm sure it was an awesome trip. Tom
  11. Absolutely Awesome Day! Lots of fun with the friends and with the fish second. Lois has the enthusiasm of a 13 year old I love it !! Mark you have got to be one of the most laid back, kind hearted, worry free persons I have ever met. I had an absolute great time. Couldn't have asked for a nicer day. Can't wait for the Sandy Creek Shootout. The only pictures that I had that wouldn't be a duplicate was of the new flag and boat name "Stand and Deliver" And of Course Lois who is now known as the "Queen of Kings" Thanks again Mark for an awesome day. Tom
  12. Thanks for the quick responses fellas I ended up getting the deep rubber one. Tom
  13. Anybody have any experience with the rubber nets...good...bad...it's for fingerlakes fish not lake ontario kings. Tom
  14. viewtopic.php?f=10&t=28876&hilit=torpedo+weights
  15. I agree on the torpedoes the sharks are very nice but you pay a very nice price... Tom
  16. http://www.tiburonfishingreels.com/rod-reel-clamps http://www.charkbait.com/cs/csr_Reel-Clamps.htm http://www.fishermanswarehouse.com/shop ... ail&p=5419 This what you are looking for Chad? Tom
  17. I have 8lb shark weights and can troll up to about 2.5 and still mark the balls down to about 70ft. personally I think 10lb balls trolling at fingerlakes speeds where there isn't the crazy currents that you get into on lake ontario are more than enough I don't know if I would put much more than a 12lb ball on a lake troll or Easi troll. Tom
  18. A friend of mine wants to get into running copper. If he's running 2 riggers, 2 dipseys, and 2 coppers<------on big boards what is the order of deployment and what should he have his dipseys set on ? I know this question has been asked before but I'm not into seaching tonight Thank you in advance. Tom
  19. Are you trolling Lake O or the fingerlakes?
  20. Great story John with a happy ending! A very successful outing in more ways than one. Tom
  21. I was told when they test the fish they throw them in a grinder from head to tail....and test the results...I would say a good fillet...gets rid of the backbone... trims out the belly fat and shaves the dark meat off and I would like to see the test results from that...my father in law once asked me.."How many people in your life have been touched by cancer from smoking." to wich I replied "a few" and then he asked " How many people do you know that have health problems from eathing fish out of Lake Ontario?" and my reply was "None, Nada, zip." and he ended the conversation with "I rest my case." I'll let you know how my salmon turns out on the grill tonight Tom
  22. Depending on where you are going to fish I would go with 10lb balls at least... the releases that come with the cannons suck...imo I would go with the blacks or spend a little more and get the chamberlains 100 ft of wire will only get you 90 to 95 ft of depth unless you are going to run it down to the bare spool so if you are going to fish deeper than that get 150 ft of rigger wire or more. I have the cannon lake trolls and don't have one complaint with them. They have worked great. Get a couple of these you won't be disappointed. viewtopic.php?f=10&t=28876 Tom
  23. Glad you guys made it back safe and sound...that was a heck of a storm! Tom
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