I have a clam hub tent I bought and never used. I set it up 1 time and that was it so it basically brand new. The tent is a six pack 1660 mag. It is a nice tent and sets up easy. I would like to get $275 for it. I am in Silver Springs 14550.
I was there yesterday and the docks are out but had no problems getting in and out with my 22' deep v. Had a tough day and only managed a couple 30" pike and a bass. Best activity was at the south end around the weed edges where there is still green weeds.
Thanks for the link Mark. Thinking Friday looks good weather wise maybe I will be able to make it out for a trip then fish chautauqua for some muskies when the wind is blowing on the weekend. Heard from a friend they were doing good west out of barcelona at 115 fow near pa line. But I've heard decent things around brocton shoals area too so not sure where I'll go yet but I'll let you know how I do when I get back on tuesday.
Going down to camp at chautauqua this weekend and if weather allows gonna try to hit get out on erie for eyes is anyone else going out or have any fresh info. I will let you know how I did when I return
Thank You guys again for the pointers and not making feel so bad John. I absolutely love this site and all the help everyone is willing to give. I won't be able to make it this weekend but will let you know when I try again and maybe I can buy you guys breakfast in the morning or drink after fishing for your help.
Well made it out saturday to give it another go and did a little better ending up with 3 in the boat and quite a few lost. Would like to thank jimski and fishkiller for the pointers. All the fish we took were east in 70-80 fow right on the bottom in the morning then down 50 later in the day, well at least the few we got. We didn't get any big ones all were 3 lbers but we lost a couple good feeling fish first thing in the morning. I definately havn't completely figured it out but getting better. Screen was pretty good just gotta figure out getting them on the line. Also managed a couple perch and a sheephead. All we ran were worm harnesses.
Just wondered if anyone has any fresh info, Planning on heading out of dunkirk tomorrow and heading east from there and just wondered if the fishing has changed at all
Wow thanks alot for the pointers guys I can't tell you how much i appreciate it. I am definately heading down this weekend to give it another go and will head out of dunkirk for sure. What day I go will depend on the weather but I will let you know how I did. Will probably be only a two man trip so I thinking 2 dipseys on 3 setting and two 10 color cores off inlines to try and get away from the boat. It's gonna be hard not to use the riggers after all the fish they have caught me on ontario but I will probably still drop the probe down a few feet to try and keep a steady speed.
Keep Fishing and be Safe
Well I got out of work early on Friday and got the fishing bug so decided to head down to erie and try catching some eyes. Wasn't going to get down there till about 6pm so decided to hit chautauqua for the last few hours then find a motel and hit barcelona in the morning. Trolled the north end till dark and ended up with a zero. So we packed up and headed towards barcelona calling around and finding out that all motels were booked so after a few cocktails at the tiki bar the back of the truck it was. Got up at 4am and headed out was pretty excited as I had never fished erie before and was hoping for a good day but alas we got no fish. Except for the white perch that did a good job of keeping the worm harnesses clean of worms. Planning a redemption trip this weekend back to erie if the weather allows and wonder if anyone else will be down there or had any info they would like to share to maybe help me catch a fish. I run riggers and dipseys all with harnesses I got from happy hooker 1.8 to 2.2 down speed. Tried many different running depths and fished from 60 to 110 fow. Wonder if I should have been deeper? Anyway any tips would be appreciated.
Keep Fishing and be Safe
Went out on Conesus Sunday afternoon and did a few pike all in the 30's and one 3lb walleye. All came on bottom with chubs in 16-20 depth range. Tried trolling some musky plugs around twice now with no luck. There are a lot of good marks 20 feet down over the deeper holes but no luck getting them going, all the floating weeds make it a pain to keep lines clear.