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Posts posted by choo-choo

  1. Rolmops....Friday ,I realized something else i do to keep a straight course while re-rigging a rod and stuff like that...when I'm solo, i put my folding seat's back in the folded down position. With the bungee in place( Longline style now), I sit on the seat with the seats back, folded down....I face backward, watching my rods, with my back resting on the steering wheel. I can actually steer with my back. My Sonar and Moor and mirror are mounted on the passenger side dash, so i only need to glance over to see what's going on under water and ahead of me....try steering with your back ,it works. choo-choo steve

  2. Great job Pete....what a beauty of a flx rainbow !!! I guess you'll be tying up some of those special ole time streamers.....it might be your new, secret, big rainbow fly!!! Keep us posted...... (btw I trolled north east lake ontario friday evening ,landed a beautiful 26 " walleye before engine problem ended my weekend ....bummer...long drive for 2 1/2 hrs fishing...take care of your back, some of the best fishing of the year now and for the next few months!!!!...choo-choo steve

  3. Hey Pete....sounds like you got some finger lakes fly trolling karma going.....keep up the good work!!! Great to hear from you Pete and glad you are doing well and catching fish!!!! I was tring to figure out how long ago that delaware float with you was? 10 years??Say hi to Jay P. and Carl C. and hope you can continue to do well on the finger lakes.....choo-choo steve

  4. Yup,that would be me Pete....I remember that float trip well, especially that humongous wild brown that took your dry fly, super fine tippet ,(Potamanthis ?) in like 90 degree heat, midday,bright sun,dead calm ,few bugs and fewer rises , junction pool (BP) , .......slurp.......all hell broke loose as he dove and jumped and peeled line like a maniac, had us going in circles , fought his heart out ,right up to the boat...and then as I scooped and lifted , he broke through the mesh of my net ....luckilly into the bottom of the boat!!!!! A couple of pictures, a quick revival and release,multiple high fives , and a memory forever!!! I miss you guy's and all the fun we had on the oak orchard and big "D"....I still have my drift boat here on the big D,but havn't floated the river too much the past few years. I've been having much more fun trolling again ,mostly up on lake ontario, and fall /winter steelhead on the salmon river. Shoot me a pm so I can get in touch with you.......stay well.....choo-choo steve

  5. I just saw this thread .... i use a double bungee set up on my steering wheel, and a double nutted threaded rod,bent in an "L" shape for a tiller handle on my 115 yamaha outboard. There is a small flat metal "tongue" with a hole already drilled in it,on the steering arm of the motor....not sure what it is there for , but it was in the perfect spot for my homemade tiller handle. When i'm in the back of the boat,away from my steering wheel, fighting or netting a fish,or setting up a rigger, when i notice the boat going off course,i just reach down and either pull or push my outboard, using the tiller handle, to straighten out the boat. It works great for me when i'm solo, or when with a partner and we are both at the back of the boat at fish netting time or if we are doubed up etc.. choo-choo

  6. Maybe the LOC can have a phone number set up, where you can call in and let them know you can't make the 8 pm weigh in . The time of the call would be automatically recorded. You could give your name, your location, all boat members names, with loc registration numbers,a description of the fish, with the length, and approximate weight....and must be at a weigh in site the next morning, within the first hour of their opening. That might elimanate those crazy ,dangerous, sometimes unsafe ,pull and run, mad dashes to shore with boat, and transfer to car/truck (for some weigh in sites)and speeding to make the deadline. Choo-choo steve

  7. Longline Tom, Lyteline Zeke and Cyn.....Thank you soooooooo much for your time and efforts helping to get this passed, and keeping us all informed through it all. It's people like you 3 that make L O U so terrific . And also ,thank you to all our politicians, and governor , who took the time to listen and understand the obvious benefits , for our state, for the businesses,and especially for all the fisherman who come here ,from near and far, to fish this awesome state. Thanks again !! !!! choo choo steve

  8. I'm glad your ok....i just got done reading an article about a 2 boat collision on the Navesink river in N.J. last saturday night.....a Stingray boat ,with 2 occupants was stopped on the river, along comes a 20 ft Boston Whaler with 5 occupants running at a high speed, and just crashed into the stingray. All 5 on the whaler were ejected, but were able to re-board before drowning. One of the 2 on the stingray was hit by the whaler and thrown into the water. Cause of death was blunt trauma and drowning,his body was found the next morning. The guy running the whaler had been drinking according to reports. You really have got to keep your eyes open out there. I think ,as someone suggested, keeping a flare gun and air horn real handy, might be a good idea....again, i'm sure glad they didn't ram you....good luck and stay safe...choo-choo steve

  9. For those nasty ankle bitin' flies, Keep an extra pair of socks onboard ,or in one of your tackle boxes.., ..if the flies get bad put on the extra pair of socks !!Works great...and no mess or expense !!! Bring a few extra pairs for your fishing buddies too.......choo-choo

  10. Chris.....good job out there.... i hate that loc solo rule. Maybe they'll reconsider and change it someday. There are day's that fishing solo , or not going out are our only options for many different reasons . It's also great therapy,fishing out on that big lake all alone sometimes...and a great time to hone your skills,, try new techniques and "crazy" presentations etc. . Just keep "fishing safe" in mind at all times....Again, good job....... choo-choo.

  11. Rod..........Uneffinbelievable!!!!!! Outrageous!!!!!!!I can't believe they can do that legally!!!!Havn't they heard about giving someone a warning first...and then explain the proper procedure for future visit's. I have never met you, but i am looking forward to, so i can shake your hand for not going ballistic !!! Thank you to OH Baby team for giving us all a "wake up call" for what could happen when going to Canada...sorry it had to be so expensive . I hope there is a way that you guy's could appeal that hefty fine, and get it reversed, and get re-imbursed the thousand dollars. Canadian officials should be embarrassed and ashamed about this incident.

    Great job on those big kings thursday and friday.....and sorry ya's didn't do better on the week end, but you had to return to your "big fish water" for another shot . I'm pulling for you guy's for the rest of the tournaments you enter this year!!!!! Good Luck and Good fishin'.............choo-choo steve

  12. Pike Hunter.....had an incident recently fishing with icedd....trolling along, boards and flat lines out, then out of nowhere a bass boat comes roaring up,slows down, and proceeds toward shore right behind our boards...we're yelling and pointing towards our board ,he says "i see it"...he continues, crossing behind our boards by about 50 feet!!! He catches our line,,drag starts going i have to snap the line and lose the lure!!! We're furious !!! NO common sense or fishing courtesy....i am gonna put the reel in free spool next time and let those inconsiderate fisherman wrap 350 yards of 25 lb. test in their prop!! .................choo-choo

  13. Ray,I think you are one of the lucky guy's , who has got himself a wife who knows that you need to fish, often, to stay happy ,healthy ,and content........ she has got to be a real saint....and she's definately a keeper!!!! Your golden years are gonna be filled with many fishing trips...(.approved by wiffey fishing trips), and tons of future fish battles, full boxes ,stringers and memories.We are looking forward to all your fishing adventure stories and pictures..........choo-choo steve

  14. Ray...great job on those stripers..... i saw your invite to W.W. IV last tuesday,to join you on the hudson river trip...i tried to convince him to go with you,'cause the river reports were real good, and i had just left the beach, from an epic blitz of giant (20 to 40 lb. ) stripers in the surf just south of the hudson in north jersey....they were loaded with eggs and milt, and headed for the Hudson !!!! It was unreal....monster fish, chasing baitfish (menhaden) , thrashing ,swirling,and crushing suface plugs, right at our feet!!!! They are a lot of fun to catch....and delicious too!!! Glad you had a great trip with your son....and hope your good luck continues all year!!!! choo-choo steve

  15. Tom....Good luck with your "new buddy"...i mean truck. Now you have to be extra careful when backing up to your boat trailers hitch ball....no more driving one handed, while wolfing down egg sandwiches and doughnuts on the way to the boat launch.....driving to the next fishing spot with wet ,muddy boots/waders...and definately no korkers.... Rods,tackle boxes,bait buckets,vests etc. in the back .....at least for a month or so !!!!! choo -choo

  16. W.W. IV....talk to your wife about joining him,or meeting him on the hudson for those stripers....fishing should really be outstanding in the next few day's/weeks...i was lucky enough to catch an "epic" blitz of giant bass in the n.j. surf a few miles south of the hudson yesterday afternoon/evening (tuesday) ...poppers and swimming plugs ... all fish i saw were from 20 lbs. to over 40lbs...loaded with eggs etc. ...they're headed for the hudson to do their thing ....i hope Ray K get's into them.... choo-choo steve

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