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Posts posted by choo-choo

  1. I have never seen a blue northern pike, but i have seen and photographed a Blue walleyed pike.I was fishing on the upper oak orchard river ,in november ,about 12 or 15 years ago,with my buddy, the late, incredibly talented fly tier,and master trib fisherman ,Mark Stouthard. We were catching browns and steelies, when Mark pulls in this pale greyish blue walleye !!!! He called it THE BLUE PIKE !!! We took some pictures and released it .Mark sent some pictures to the DEC ,but nothing was confirmed about it being a true blue pike.None had been documented in the great lakes for decades.They weren't sure what to call it,but i can tell you,it was truly grey/blue, no hint of gold on it anywhere. I will never forget that day, that fish, or that fisherman,Mark Stouthard. choo-choo steve (btw,yes, that is the same Mark S that used to write articles for lake ontario outdoors)

  2. I talked withe R.A.M. quality control today...about the seperation of the base and "ball", he said that the molds connect there ,and they have had failures at that "joint" , but it happens only occasionally,HmmmmmThey were real nice ,and apologized for the lost rod/reel, tackle and rod holder, and they are gonna' replace the rod tube free of charge. I will be replacing all the Ram's with some heavier duty tubes real soon. I can't fully trust them for lake O fishing now. Good luck to all that have them,and i hope none of you LOU guys don't have a "mold joint failure" like i had......... steve

  3. Big Dave... K gone , i use both the berts ratchets (4) and the ram tubes (4)....i like them both for different reasons,infinate adjustability on the rams i really liked, but i am not liking them much right now!! As far as the tether goes,i usually fasten it to the bottom of the rod holder base,which snapped right off, so i would have lost the rod/reel and tether anyway. I guess i will order a couple more heavier duty berts ratchets. Mickey Finn (luv that name, and luv the streamer too!) I would check out your bases real carefully,right where the ball necks down to the flat base(about 1/8 th inch up from the flat pancake base on the "neck". I would appreciate it if you could let me know how your's look...any paint missing and possibly starting to seperate or crack etc....thanks in advance.......steve

  4. Great story and report super diverse outdoorsman RaKo....gotta love that boneless, tender ,sweet cheek meat,in fact it's the ONLY part of an adult bluefish i will eat !!Delicious "silver doller" cheek meat...definately worth the effort gouging it out!!!BTW,this is a south shore report...also, there is a method to your madness, you are way ahead of the game...i know what a private farm lease in the midwest is worth!!(wink wink)Land of the giants...you are the man!!!...... you shall be rewarded "Big time" for your acts of fishy kindness and generousity.....good luck fishin' and huntin'....choo-choo steve

  5. I had a RAM rod tube snap off at the base, while trolling last week at sandy. I heard a sick sounding snap,then splash,as my penn 345 gt,daiwa 9.5 ft heartland , and 600 feet of copper ,ram tube rod holder ,hit the water never to be seen again!!I was in 100 fow with 200 ft of copper out fishin' a flasher/fly....BUMMER. I havn't heard back from them yet if they have had trouble with their metal tube bases. All that was left was the little round pancake base ,with the jagged edge break where the base "ball" used to be . I checked 2 other bases on the same style ram tubes on my boat,and their seems to be some issues with them also . The black paint finish is completely gone, only right there at the bottom of the ball,where it connects to the pancake base. There seems to be a line,or ring around that neck area and possibly starting to crack, or separate. I was wondering if anybody else has had any problems with these rod holders .They are only a couple years old......steve

  6. Nice report Tom, and nice pictures....That is one tough little fish... I can't believe he/she didn't develop a fungus or something with the gills exposed like that. I've always heard how delicate the gills are ,and how easy it is to kill a fish if their gills are damaged....but i guess exposed gills to the elements does't mean a dead fish.....I hope you catch him/her again in a couple of years as a 30 lber !!! Thanks again for all your reports, info and pictures....steve

  7. Fishing Report

    Your Name / Boat Name:choo-choo




    Date(s):7/31 + 8/1

    Time on Water:9am to 2 pm sat. + 6am to 9am sun


    Wind Speed/Direction:


    Surface Temp:


    LAT/LONG (GPS Cords):




    Total Hits: 9 sat + 6 sun

    Total Boated:8 and 5

    Species Breakdown:kings...steelhead...laker..And an ATLANTIC !

    Hot Lure: stingray green nbk///sutton 39////dw ss orange

    Trolling Speed:

    Down Speed: 2.0 to 2.3

    Boat Depth: 70 fow to 200 fowsat...50 to 120 fow sunday

    Lure Depth: 60ft to 85 ft sat ...40 to 60 sunday

    5 steelies sat.6lb to 12 lb,2 skippy kings(unclipped)6lb laker////Sunday 14 lb atlantic ,2steelies6 and 8 lb,2 skippy kings

    ====================I caught the 14 lb male unclipped atlantic 50 ft down over 80 fow...The fight was truly un -believable!! airborne before i got to the rod,jumping backflips,cartwheels..tail slaps...head slaps...Greyhounding!!!!several long ,fast runs.. more jumps ... then he even sounded,and never gave up ,all the way to the net!!!I will never forget it!! Powerful,lightning fast,plenty of stamina,and super acrobatic !!! One awesome fish!! ...... I've got some good pictures of him on photobucket,but still can't figure out how to get them here...will try to get help tomorrow to get them posted....He has a huge kype,pure white mouth and gums,no teeth on the upper mouth,giant dark adipose fin, jet black markings..blotches along his upper sides and back,oversized monster tail,very slight fork......steve



  8. "Citation",the boat which lost the $912,000.00 dollar first prize due to a rules violation,has filed suit to have their disqualification overturned........the Big Rock Tournament has countersued to have their decision supported in court. By the way,the disqualification of Citation moved "Carnivore" and their much smaller 528 lb.blue marlin into first place,and the boat"Wet and Wild" with a 460lb blue marlin into 2nd place.They were the onlyblue marlin landed and brought to the scales....the reconfigured prize money was $999,453.00 for "Carnivore" !!!!!!!and $275,322.00 for "Wet and Wild"!!!!!!!! On the same weekend at the jolly mon kingfish tournament,the winning 36.15 lb. kingfish caught by the Just Dozin' team was disqualified by a rules violation and had to forfeit the $12,000.00 first prize money!!!You've got to know the rules!!!Both of these incidents were rules violations,but neither was classified as "cheating". ....steve

  9. Fishing Report

    Your Name / Boat Name:Choo-choo





    Time on Water:8am to noon


    Wind Speed/Direction:west, north/ west...

    Waves: 2 feet

    Surface Temp: 72ish

    Location:sandy creek /wautoma shoals/bogus point

    LAT/LONG (GPS Cords):




    Total Hits: 10

    Total Boated:8

    Species Breakdown:steelies,brown,small kings

    Hot Lure: dreamweaver SS green-glow-silver-orange eye

    Trolling Speed:

    Down Speed: 2.0to 2.5 mph

    Boat Depth: 150ft to 220ft

    Lure Depth: 55 feet to 85 feet

    =================== I was all set to pick up my buddy and head north to the big pond,for the final weekend of the loc derby ,phone rings,buddy can't go....so solo i go. I decide to fish sandy creek for the first time,good launch,free,and nice people around.I get a late start(8am),find good water 52deg.down around 65ft.I catch a 4lb. brown to start,thennext hit is sreamin,before ican pick up the rod a BIG steely is 3ft out ofthe water,and after 2 great runs and 2 more jumps i net a 14 1/2 pound beauty !!! I land 3 more steelies,8lb and 2 6lbers,3 small kings(2clipped,1un-clipped) and call it a day at noon.Great time,, with all fish on the same lure,40 feet back off the ball.Nothing on sliders or wire.Only bummer was not being able to enter my steely in the loc derby 'cause they said i was fishing solo . ....and had trouble reviving the little kings after they fought so hard ,and seem to go into thermal shock when being released in that 72/73 degree surface water.All in all a good morning on the lake,and will definately head back to sand creek in the future..... steve



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