Hi, i am trying to find out when the huge schools of alewives leave their winter ,deep water hangouts, and begin to head into the shallows to prepare for their spawn,in lake Ontario . I'm just trying to think"outside the box"...for early season,cold water(35 to 42degrees) trolling for large browns and salmon. It seems that the real early ,shallow water trolling for browns in real cold water produces mostly smaller browns, until the water warms up a bit more. Would it pay for me to locate the huge schools of alewives out in deep cold water .....and troll the deep cold water with tons of bait, instead of shallow cold water with not as much bait ? Large trout and salmon need to feed a little even in cold, cold water ,don't they?Does it make sense that if the water is say 39,40 41 in tight to shore,and the same out in deeper water,where the alewives are,then the larger predators would choose to hang out deep,where more ,preferred food is?I guess i'm trying to find out where the large browns and salmon live when the water is less than 42 degrees...in close to shore,up high out a little deeper,or down deep 70 to 120 feet down,or wherever the alewives prefer to live . Any replies would be appreciated.....thanks