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Everything posted by luv2rapala

  1. Looking for a mast mount/base for a Big Jon planer mast Hoping someone might have one laying around in the shop ? PayPal, Venmo or I’ve got salmon or walleye trading stuff to? gary luv2rapala@yahoo.com
  2. WTB

    looking for a planer board mast base/ mount - just the mount


    Big Jon

    hoping some one might have one sitting around ???

    cash or trade 

    ill pay shipping



    Read more  
  3. Still available?
  4. I know its old ? still available?
  5. TTT
  6. Ttt
  7. sunday bump
  8. No longer available
  9. Sunday bump
  10. Ttt
  11. gone
  12. 7/24/24 2 left
  13. Brand new 1 3 pk highlighter 1 3 pk glow panties Trolls 18-23’ Shipping included via USPS with PayPal or Venmo payment 1 glow pack both packs rattle Located in Andover, MN P me here or direct at luv2rapala@yahoo.com $26 to your USA mailbox with paypal or venmo payment
  14. Sold
  15. Sold out
  16. Updated inventory 5/24/24
  17. only 3 LCBW left, lefties sold out
  18. Gone thanks
  19. Yes still available these are the right handed reels I see my post has an error in model # I apologize- that is my fault should be 47 LCb
  20. weekend bump
  21. ttt
  22. Sold
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