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About Locoman

  • Birthday 09/23/1953

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Lancaster,New York Jacksonville FL
  • Interests
    Fishing,Fishing,and more Fishing

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  1. Good photo from today. By weeks end it's going to look alot different.
  2. Try this link............. https://www.sharpeningsupplies.com/collections/sharpening-steels?srsltid=AfmBOooT9NHAI8eJkBQDxwZ7PqqHffe4jT_wdXg-IQxJF7IuyWgtTuFY
  3. check this out... https://coastwatch.glerl.noaa.gov/satellite-data-products/modis/?redirected=/modis/region_map.html
  4. God bless you kind sir!!! Merry Christmas to you also!!!
  5. Locoman

    Sold / Closed Legacy -The 2021 Season-

    Check out Cam Lock Boxes.... Cam Lock Box.... I use these boxes along with the Python cable lock and have not had a camera stolen since. Box is lag bolted to tree and lock cable wrapped around tree and secured to box.
  6. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/hunter-kills-what-could-be-largest-buck-ever-shot-in-us/ar-BBQUT5b?li=BBnbfcL&ocid=UE12DHP Pretty gnarly lookin'. You decide which one
  7. I would not. The texture would not be the same. They should keep for a couple of days if you can wait to cook them.
  8. Had a camera stolen about six years ago. I've used Camlock boxes and Python locks since. Still have all my cameras. Check'em out. http://camlockbox.com/
  9. Time to let that hunting buddy go.
  10. Hope all is well Carl. Link to your website, http://foodchainfishing.com/
  11. Give Shwacker a try. You won't be disappointed. https://www.swhacker.com/
  12. I was driving through Akron yesterday and saw a dead skunk and a possum along the road. Another sign that spring is not far away.
  13. "I wonder if Cabelas will honor it since they are owned by Bass Pro now. Wouldn’t hurt to call and ask." Cabelas will take your Bass Pro card and convert it to a Cabelas card. I did this last fall. Just go to the customer service desk.
  14. All is well. Merry Christmas to all.
  15. In Pennsylvania. The further south you are the later the sun sets. Todays sunset in Jacksonville FL was 5:29 p.m.. Give the guy a break....a good story in my books.
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