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April 7, 2009
Last visited
January 22
Everything posted by Cletus
Time to replace the 1990 Lowrance.I have some points at Cabelas, so will probably buy there.
I fish lakers and landlocks Cayuga, walleye and bass on Oneida, everything on Otisco and occasionally Ontario.
Thinking about the Lowrance® Hook2 7 SplitShot Sonar/GPS Combo or the Lowrance® Hook2 7 TripleShot™ U.S. Inland Sonar/GPS Combo.
Should I spend the extra $100 on the Side Scan capability?
The input from the members of this forum has been very useful.
Thank you
Thank you for the input. Your comments have been very educational. I had no idea the lure speed 80 ft down could be so much different than the surface speed. I should have specified the type and location of trolling I plan to do. My boat came with downriggers, but I plan to do most of my trolling on the surface in the winter months on Cayuga Lake. My boat came with a 1990 Lowrance fishfinder. So before I invest in a Fish Hawk or Depth Raider, I should upgrade my fish finder with one that has a speed monitor.
I just looked for fish finders and am already confused, so I'll probably ask for recommendations in a new post.
Thank you again for the input and recommendations
Need recommendations for monitoring speed while trolling, please, I used an etrex years back, but would like to know if there are more accurate methods. There is no speedometer on my fish finder. Thank you in advance.
Thank you fellas. Spooled up 2 reels with 16# Big Game and 2 with 10# Sufix. Really appreciate the input.
Trolled from Myers to Milliken. Caught one ding LL about 10" long.
Watched 3 guys vertical jigging in 100 ft of water in front of Miliken. Watched them pull a big Laker, a brown and a __ in 15 minutes.
So now thinking about a post asking for vertical jigging recommendations. lol
Finally got a kicker motor and getting ready to start trolling on Cayuga Lake.
Stripping the old off my downrigger poles.
Any recommendations for type and poundage of fishing line would be appreciated.
Thank you,
Where are you located ? Thanks
Yeah, I don't want to use a motor bracket. See pic
Do you know the distance from the transom clamp to the cavitation plate (above the prop) ? Thank you
Do you have the shaft length from transom to cavitation plate?
New wobble rollers for boat trailer.
13 wobble rollers. $5 each or $50 for all 13.
Pick up in Vestal NY
See pic attached. 24 inches from top of transom. All of prop needs to be below the 24 in mark.
I need a 24 inch min. Thanks for measuring.
Can you tell me the distance (inches) from the transom to the cavitation plate ? Thanks
Do you know the distance from the inside, top of the transom clamp to the cavitation plate (above the prop) ?
Can you tell me the shaft length from the top of the transom clamp to the cavitation plate just above the prop? Thanks
Thank you. Going to pass. Good luck
Can you tell me the distance from the top of the transom clamp to the cavitation plate ?
electric start ?
Is the motor still available ?
I am interested. I left a voice message on your phone. Please call 607-222-8065. Thanks, Gary
I would like to take a look at your Yamaha 9.9 xl shaft. Please call me at 607-222-8065. Thanks, Gary
I'm not familiar enough with planar boards to know if those are good features. Are pulling and depth good features? Thank you for helping.
Appreciate any input on using PVC for DIY planar boards. Thanks
Sounds good. I may be in Cortland tomorrow evening.
I sent my phone number to you in a message