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Everything posted by slimyfish

  1. outta be good tonight..........
  2. awsesome salmon fish........... nice job..... its time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. if the picture is used in the ATOMIK catalog, i dont think it matters if all the letters are there.
  4. that one girl is hold a monster salmo how big was is it?
  5. I agree the fishing was incredible, two 30+s back to back for us. You and I were fishing the same line, so I knew you were pounding big ones too. I didnt get out fri(boat issue). Might head out sunday though...
  6. the bar was hot for 30+s all last week. fished thurday and hammr fish. 32 and 34 put in boat, broke off 3 ripp cities and landed a few 20-23's in mix. mostly male but the 32 was fem fatale and filled with egg blue flys trust me white spinny I see the end near, for me is, but you may find them good luck vinny did you take a fish in to weigh? I saw you go in toward niag. but a hour later seen you back in the pack? figured you weighed a big one.
  7. weather dont look good this weekend and temps are messed up. I say end it. I wish I had a picture to submit.
  8. we pounded fish the last 4 days. insane bite west end. caught 4 fish over 30(serious). breakoffs on rippers like I never seen before. could not land the 40 to win loc. drive slimy crazy. now these waves put a damper on my hammer time. stop blowing wind I need the money
  9. al bee head will get big after this but why not? its a hog and money winner
  10. jealous are we ????? or manlover ???? way to go ladies
  11. good bait in 100ft but the fish are shallow when not feeding actively. should have stayed in 40-50fow did good in 40 yesterday 3 mature tween cott and wilson
  12. looks like a snakehead head.........
  13. sounds good... the Saltist is prolly what I'll buy. thanks for input
  14. if money wasnt a concern....... what line counter would you buy? thinking about the drag more than anything.
  15. a modified "halo" will take my winning king trust me
  16. you guys are gonna have fun in sept, trust me............
  17. "hooks on the bottom in 180' levels" bottom bouncin' balls only way for matures right now...... find bait on bottom and send them down..... if you dont bounce them a few times you arnt deep enough. come back big kings..... starts this week
  18. big fish early............. hate when I'm right. come back matures, we miss you.........PLEASE
  19. matures are on the way dude.......... next week its on! good report
  20. man had to put on sunglass for that last shot.... some bright chromadome there..............
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