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Everything posted by UNREEL

  1. Decided to stay inside for browns this Am. Water out front had good color and 56 deg. Headed East and water kept getting clearer and clearer. Turned around past Shipbuilders and after a few lure changes picked up 2 fat brownies back towards Oklahoma beach. Dirty white boy and glow frog in SS size. 20 FOW. Good water kinda disappeared with S wind. Marked very little bait but the 2nd brown gorped up a big moon eye. Gonna hit it again Fri. Winds look good
  2. Gonna give it a shot outta I-bay tomorrow. Will give a report late afternoon.
  3. I’ve done my 250 Yamaha in my slip mid season for the past ten years with no issues. I use a DC pump with a jumper battery. A calm day a with no boat wakes helps. Like CK3080 said the lower unit presents other issues.
  4. I paid $75 apiece for these rods in 1985. Still using em. Fun for smallies or kings
  5. That Ugly stick sounds like it might be a little light for the wire/dipsey. Medium heavy to heavy would be better. Can't go wrong with Mason 7 strand on FISHUSA. I don't see Blood Run wire offered that I've used before.
  6. Alan- stop at the boat I'll give you a few Scotty's to try out.
  7. It sucked off I-Bay also. Similar conditions minus the Lakers. Two hummingbirds were tailing us for awhile but scared to land. Couldn't get a pic Sent from my SM-G950U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  8. Looks familiar. Double something
  9. We could start a "Go Fund Me" campaign for an ammo purchase.
  10. Well Bruce, I'm trying to be optimistic because the Feds were looking for public input about cormorant management back in March. Check out Jerry's post back in Feb. The process probably ground to a halt in Washington with the virus, but I'm hoping something, anything, will change this year.
  11. Friend of mine sent me this video. Said it was taken in E of Somerset NY. I'd say we have a cormorant problem. Hopefully the USFWS gets off their behinds and let's the DEC take some kind of action. IMG_0640.mov
  12. Google Anisakiasis. It might change your mind
  13. I fished with a guy a few years ago who would cut the tails off of salmon and toss em in the livewell to bleed out. It was easy and fast. Anyone else do that?
  14. Looking forward to seeing that brown. Post a pic when you get it please.
  15. He's fishing out of I-Bay but from a new marina not a new port.
  16. All good suggestions for rods and divers. Your Okuma 30 size reels would be perfect for wire. As for spooling with mono get a bulk spool of Trilene Big Game 20 lb. test. Most cost effective way. You can leader down with flourocarbon for stealth depending on target species. When the fleas show up just peel of a 100 ft or more of mono and tie on some Blood Run Sea Flee to top off reel
  17. And if this weather pattern continues that may be in mid July.
  18. You're right. Doesn't look bad. Good luck and be safe out there
  19. Looking good for nothing. 😂
  20. Matt. Glad to hear the little guys got the feed bag on near the surface. The first 6-7 days after they arrived I fed them and I never saw a fish. Beginning to think they all escaped or worse. Got the 4PM this week.
  21. Ok dumb question. Can I download the app to a smart TV or do I need a firestick.
  22. Getting the boat out of storage this AM.
  23. I-Bay also
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