hey nice buck !! i love the yote pic too. I saw 2 today along 390 geneseo area waiting at field edges for fawns dropping any day now. Jealous i want a green light all year too man it would be awsome to drill these fukers all year
I live on north littleville rd avon we have heard them several times across the street in the golf course yipping
here is a pic from a winter past same area i killed that big female they cruise through there looking for small does i need a 3006 semi auto lol
We had a family living under a shed years ago on the Almond property. They wouldn't stir until we were gone for the week after hunting the weekends . They stripped that shed down and all our plywood it was unreal the damage .
All the pine trees in yhe area have some kind of bark condition some went brown after too much feeding . I had a family of 5 on trail cam last fall man they just cycle back but ya gotta keep after them it helps killing a few adults.
hate these bastards they eat all my beautiful pine trees on my Almond property. Got one with the crossbow in a tree last Nov. it was sweet!! I'll post the pic when i find it what a thrill watching this monster tumble 30feet after the rage chopped him.
Just keep shooting Ed i have definetly seen a reduction since the 4 i killed last 2 years. I hate these things.
Wow the dark phase is beautiful never seen one in Allegany they all come so light colored even had one run past during deer season years ago almost white adult the 12gauge slugs were flyin all over till he was outta sight but he lucked out that day.
Thanks guys i watched her work in from way way off they definetly circle down wind . She stopped a few times but the camo worked and a good 25 feet up helps right.
We have a good population in Almond and now they need to be careful . Next year its on !!
look at this nice female i took last Sat night with the 870 called into 45 yards the 3 inch mag #4s took care of the rest. I have seen tracks in this area all winter just needed a quiet rainy evening to call from my favorite tree stand.
First one i am hooked man what a thrill!!
My Dad and I trapped coons and fox back in the 80s best of times alot of fun taught me alot about wildlife and being resourceful .
Thanks very much for the posts i am excited to get back into it next year still have a pile of our old Victors!!