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Everything posted by 143447

  1. It is at a secret location under lock and key! There is no way my wife would let me put a chicken in the freezer whole! I have 2 kings 23lber and 28er from the summer trolls in mine whole..
  2. "Hey Ray, four words that make a WORLD of difference while fishing alone on the big boat...AUTO PILOT and CALM WATER" Got it on my minnkota, you got it can't be beat on any solo effort!! Nice Kings man!!
  3. Wow.. I like the rod holder move, I do alot a solo gonna incorporate that!! good job
  4. great shot Ray..get shootin man
  5. The LL's are awesome but..... My son Brian and I (he is in Missouri now for 9 weeks MP training Nat. Guard) tried lake trout over charcoal grille last week on vacation...really good !! the 22 inchers were just perfect..Italian seasoning and lemon, few pads of butter ...whoa
  6. Mine reads 1150 with 1000 foot of wire.... as the spool reads
  7. Agree with that Alec, a goal?? we need to leave em alone , if I thought I had one by mistake I'd cut em off fast, seems all the fighting would do them alot of harm
  8. Better get him this year, he looks to be peeking..wow
  9. Repeat after me - "I will not test for live wires by putting them in my mouth".
  10. Good job with the solo effort. The wire fish can be tough to haul over the side alone. Been trying to get a few browns myself waiting for the derby to clear. ..hang a few stands trim branches.The bigger fish are always a circus when I fish alone in my 16.Gotta love it though
  11. Nice job Congratulations to your daughter!!
  12. We fished Cayuga this past week a couple days on vacation there. Best bite was last hour of light for lakers 1 mile north of AES deepestwater in the middle. 60 to 75 down anything with orange NK. DW. STINGERS. Glowfrog took a 7lber right atdark. I would post but the lap top is fried and this kindle is ok but suks for posting pics never trolled that late into the evening cool seeing the graph fill up at last light
  13. Great trip! that brown wanted inonthe action
  14. So true!! Too much to do with all the damn gear.... I sometimes long for.the days I loaded the little 12er in the back of the truck and just slid the rig off into Hemlock Trailers and parking lots are a pain Some launches man keep the posts Comin Pete
  15. Unreal what a slob Bigger than a lot of kings CONGRATS!!
  16. Hey its 5 Oclock now!!! What happened I'm gettin bored. Just wanna be out there
  17. Lost my custom finger lakes net east of Olcott on a solo trip . Gold handel black netting, flag attached. perfect net to solo for lakers on the fingers..too small for the 28lbs King I gloved over the transom that day..luckily he was toast by then and I always keep a pair of leather gloves handy Found a new net at Dicks on clearance!! 40bucks..much longer and not too heavy..oh yeah bigger hoop Also tossed my best King spoon, an NK over the side by accident, hook stuck in my figer for a second as I tossed it up to the plank mounted on the sidewall...yep bye bye $^%&*$#@%^&*
  18. I caught one last June. Looks like it has its tongue protruding out the bottom. really odd never saw this before either after 4 years of lakers in Cayuga... This one actually had semi digested minnows in its tummy pretty healthy too and fought just fine on the wire dip..20incher odd stuff man
  19. Great report and pics..the kings are beautiful and looks like a nice steel hangin ..love the caps too
  20. Ed the browns are awesome getting alot of them this year
  21. beautiful dre nice job out there
  22. great job solo!! We have a small but dedicated club up here Congrats on the big king and an incredible bow
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