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Everything posted by 143447

  1. Congrats Don!!!...keep fishin buddy Nice job ERabbit
  2. I don't know, it almost looks like its carrying a fawn there. Like it was pregnant and sufferd an injury and the sac carrying the fetus dropped out through its muscle tissue. I have heard of this happening with other animals. the birth canal ruptures and the remaining tissues just cyst up to protect living tissue..looks really nasty though
  3. good trip gotta be nice seeing the weeds go Get what you can now, there is one more solo for me this 2011.
  4. Dude, What you have there is the famed chupacabra of south america. The fall migration has started be very careful, carry extra ammo this year.
  5. Nice Bows!! Thanks for the pics!! is that planking
  6. Woody, they are bigger in Hemlock
  7. Clean em outta there Steve Beautiful eye, have not run into you guts this summer Nice work Chris
  8. Way to boat them sharks Tim!! Just a perfect day out there!! great report, some of us are taking notes
  9. Nice job dude congrats!! solo projects can be a challenge.. good luck
  10. Thanks for the report. Can't wait to hit Golden Hills again after the derby craze dies off
  11. Wow, rediculous how big that king is You wonder, it looks dark like its been up shallow for a while, maybe it may have been closer to 47 or 48 at the end of July? That fish woulda wrecked my gear
  12. Awesome Get out there and just do it!! Nice Kings Fun to net alone?? That boat is plenty big enough if my homemade smoker16 is Feels good to take a break from the usual laker LL stuff and go high seas Congrats
  13. Way to go Tim!! They just wanted to pull in close to see how it's done Good luck in the tourneys
  14. Mr. Excitement That's what solo trips are for ya got a few nice ones though
  15. Wow, nice day out there..the pics are great! that male LL's jaw has a slight hook Cayuga rules this summer
  16. Wow, now that's exciting a huge brown maybe?
  17. My 2c absoluetly YES!! get it mounted. tcon, I have had similar experiences with first time fish. I also have trolled Lake Ontario and caught much larger fish than I catch now on the fingers but they were in other peoples boats with their gear, kinda like I reeled it up but is it truely my catch? When i boated that chunky 8lbser brown last friday night I knew what to do. Yep straight to the freezer wrapped for the taxidermist. My firstLlakeOontario fish from my own boat...never forget it
  18. Mike, that fish is gigantic What a slob!! You're the man..congrats Chris
  19. Fishing Report Your Name / Boat Name:Chris trouthunter9============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s):8/19 Time on Water:530-8pm Weather/Temp: Wind Speed/Direction: very slight east roll Waves: almost flat Surface Temp: Location: LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): huh =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits: 5 Total Boated:2 Species Breakdown:1 brown 1 smally Hot Lure:stinger spoons Trolling Speed: 1.8-2.6 Down Speed: Boat Depth: 60-120 Lure Depth: 45-70 ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS Made a scouting run to Golden hills state launch Friday night. I was suppose to pick up a trailer from a relative in Albion but that fell through and every time I looked in the rear view mirror the bow of a 16 smoker was following me so well Any way a newbie troll so nothing scientific or professional going on here but I did manage a vey chunky brown so this night was not lost. I launched around 530pm and ran out to 50fow and set up with a wire dipsey diver and my go to leadcore rig.After an hour or so I set the down rigger up and wish I started with it. Trolled from 50 to 120 straight off the tower for 2 hours and boated a very fat brown at 8lbs off 8 colors of leadcore and a large smally. Had 3 releases off the down rigger set at 60-70 feet. I have to say it is awesome to troll with land on 1 side and open water to the horizon on the other!! I think I found some new waters to explore when the winds are light. I already know the fish are much much bigger Very quiet night up there, 3 other boats out deeper. Is that a power plant just north of the launch in the Olcott area? Thanks to all you guys up on The Big o that inspired me Here is a lousy camera pick of the brown as the sun was setting... batteries died on the digital ====================
  20. My humminbird acts like yours when the power plug in the unit comes loose. I cut small pieces of wire(hair thickness) into small quarter inch pieces and wedged them into the power plug holes to insure contact. Never had problems after that. Pay careful attention to the tension on the dipsey pole. Try to read the bow of the pole or tension on it as it bends back at trolling speed. This would be a good indicator of speed if you are in doubt of your gps speed.read that hoop/bow in your wire dipsey rig and if youget hits at that tension match it until the bite stops then slow or even speed up a little. When trolling with the waves or wind the gps always reads faster than what I read as a proper speed off the pole tension. You can do the same with the leadcore rig, watch the bow of the pole as you troll. You'll eventually get really good at reading the pole action, whether its a small fish riding, a weed tangle or even flouro twisted around the dipsey diver. good luck from a small boat troller.
  21. Nice trip!! tidey solo run Cayuga is kind to solo trips
  22. Nice fish congrats!!! Shirt sucks
  23. Ahh, ya can't fish it clean every time out Ya got a couple butes there How are the weeds after the gusty blast?
  24. Totally Woody, a sweet launch...how are they gonna process all those boats in and out on Holiday weekends?... trailers are parked clear out to the enterance road!! Every time I launched there I was impressed with the ease of use and all the room. One loading one waiting on the same dock!! The idea of the floating aluminum docks is to remove them at some point in the fall and install at the town's convenience? Is this a liability issue? Are the wooden docks being abused during the off season? The town of Woodville removes the docks there like other floating docks at public launches, I believe.
  25. Wow, a wall hanger Atlantic!! nice
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