Date(s): (8/1/09)
Time on Water: (6:30 AM – 11:00 AM)
Temp/Weather: (Warm and Sunny)
Wind Speed/Direction: (Southwest 5)
Waves: (1 Footers, Calm)
Location: (57-59 west, 19-20N)
Total Hits: (5)
Total Boated: (2)
Species Breakdown: (1 King, 1 steelhead)
Hot Lure: (Green dodger with green fly, "yellow bird" dodger with green fly)
Trolling Speed: (1.8-2.4 SOG)
Boat Depth: (160-180 ft)
Lure Depth: (93 ft rigger, 260 dipsey on 1.5 setting)
Set up in 120 feet and marked one fish after another- so we trolled 120-140 for a few hours with nothing to show... Worked out to 160-180 (outside most of the boats) directly off the channel to the old light house, and had all of our action between 9 and 11 am. The salmon was about 25 lbs, which kind of makes up for relatively slow fishing. THe steelhead was close to the limit, so hes still swimming.
Interestingly, there was alot of bait in that 120-140 range, so I wonder if those fish werent firing because of that? Any thoughts? We have been marking alot in that depth of water, but can never seem to get those fish to go...