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April 14, 2009
Last visited
March 24, 2024
Everything posted by maisie
One large roll of wire. Used for jerking fish while using a victrola.
make an offer
Yes, i have heard the same.
I have used a compound bow for many years. Now I find I can't pull it back for an ethical shot. I thought I would look into crossbows.
Well it seems that there is really nothing out there for me. I need a crank. I don't want to spend over a grand.
I have been looking and all i am getting is confused.
When I say there is nothing out there, all the new modern bows don't fit what NYS wants you to use. Most people at bow shops say the DEC never checks. Hmmm.
It is very popular. Re remember end of March next year.
30lb thrust Mini Kota
very good condition
50.00 firm I am in Ontario, NY. we can meet up. won't mail it.
Thanks, you are so smart!
It did look like it had a copper shine to it deep inside.
I though maybe that Joel Radecki would want it.
I will write that down.
Thanks, you are so smart!
It did look like it had a copper shine to it deep inside. I checked the price for new $324.00. I don't think anyone would pay that much. But if they would like to, shoot me a message.
Otherwise B/O
I though maybe that Joel Radecki would want it.
I will write that down.
Hello, I used to have my dads old victrola, unfortunately leaving it in the barn killed it.
But I do have a roll wire on a reel that was used for hand lining. I have enclosed some photos.
I am not sure what metal the wire is. A magnet doesn't stick to it. I tried scraping it to see if it was coated copper. Maybe Aluminium.
I would like to sell the set up. If your interested let me know. I have no idea on what to ask for it. Make an offer i can't refuse
Thanks I looked up Mudhole. I asked them a question about size. I'm sure i'll get an answer soon.
Hello everyone,
I am searching for a bamboo fly rod guide. That little metal thing that the line goes thru.
Anyone have one? or know where to get one?
Thanks, Looked it up and your correct!!!!
So we have solved the mystery of the Johnson Lure. Now i have Found 4 of these Herters Hudson Bay Lures/
Does anyone Know what they are.
I called, waiting list I'm number 6
I would like to be a vendor at the Watkin's Glen Trollers Assoc Flea Market. Can anyone give me the information so i can sign up.
Thanks in Advance
Thanks< i hope there are people looking to buy them March in Charlotte i have quite a few all sizes
He fished out of Roy's Marina. And then moved to another place i don't know where. But i remember fishing for what he called Jack Perch. Alot of fond memories.
That makes sense. My dad fished Seneca lake a lot. I also have his victrola jerk bait box. And a giant roll of steel wire not copper. I know there was a roll of copper out there somewhere. I need to look some more. I want to re-home it all.there has to be like 20 or more lures all like that I found. SeeThanks so much for your help.
I looked it up up underneath is different no pin. Bummer
Thanks, I will look it up
Going thru my dad's fishing stuff for the Flea market in Charlotte in March.
I think this lure is for Seneca Lake?
I need a name as i have a bunch