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Everything posted by kenF

  1. kenF

    Keuka Keuka Fishing

    Thanks guys. I will be up for the week on vacation. I typically fish 6-8(9) am, before the family gets up. I concerned with all the rain, it might have changed the fishing pattern. Sounds like I can stick to my plan. Thanks again.
  2. I am heading to Keuka Lake this Saturday (July 5th). Can anyone tell me how the fishing is? Particularly interested in Lakers. Has all the rain effected the fishing at all? Thanks!
  3. Semperfi I usually fish Keuka 3-5 times a year. I used to troll, but now switched over to jigging. I seem to have the best luck fishing with Cabela's RealImage Jigging Spoons both Jointed and Non-Jointed. I have the most luck using firetiget, silver/neon blue and mother of pearl of pearl. I seem to have the best luck either jigging the spoon from bottom to top or bouch it off the bottom a bit then real fast for about 10 reals. The latter tech. is a little harder to hook fish, but is a producer. Good Luck.
  4. Thanks for the info. I will report back when I return.
  5. Where about's on the Branchport side? I am heading up Thursday morning to fish the weekend.
  6. I typically use a 7' meduim action rod with 10 lbs. test. Make sure to use clear line. One year I had some green line laying around and tried it. Big mistake. Once I changed back to clear the fish were bitting. I used to troll a fair amount on Keuka, but with the price of fuel I tried jigging and never went back. I make a few trips a year to the lake from PA and have success, no matter if it spring or the dead of summer. The spring time I stay up near Branchport and in the summer I fish down around the bluff in about 100' FOW. Good Luck!
  7. Try fishing west of Keuka Lake State Park for Brown Trout. I havn't fished there for a few years, but had a lot of luck in the past.
  8. On Saturday surface temp. around the State Park was 54 F and 59 F around the Bluff
  9. Anyone fish Keuka Lake this past weekend?
  10. Where you guys jigging or trolling. I am heading up in two weeks. Hope to do as well as you guys. Nice job!
  11. What type of lure were you using?
  12. Heading to Keuka Lake this Thursday for a weekend of fishing. Any one have and tips or hot spots?
  13. I use mainly jigging spoons. 1-2 oz. depending on windy it is. I usually have a lot of luck with the color white or blue and silver.
  14. where were you fishing?
  15. I have a lot of luck right off the bottom of the lake. About 100' deep. I usually fish off the bluff.
  16. Because I live in SE PA I only get to fish Keika a few times a year. I started jigging for Lakers about 5 year ago. Typically I do fairly well jigging, however last year not so much. I typically fish off the bluff or up the western finger around the Kennedy cottage. I never had much luck jigging up around the state park, however I do have luck in that area using dipsy divers.
  17. Cannon Easi-Troll Downrigger featuring: High-speed retrieve with reduced cranking effort Vertical spool design with clutch/brake system Three-digit depth counter Quick-mount tab-lock base Rod holder and line release included 22" copolymer boom Also including two line releases and an eight pound ball weight $110 for package Ken kfronheiser@dejazzd.com
  18. Does any one have any luck jigging for lakers? I am heading up to the lake this weekend to do a little fishing. Anyone have any tips? How bad a the fleas?
  19. Nice fish, I am heading to Keuka in the morning. Can't wait.
  20. Thanks Mike, Was thinking of trying the south end of the lake. Everyone seems to be trolling for Lakers. Anyone jigging for lakers?
  21. Thanks ED, just to clarify it is the rutter, spoons, and peanut (or lure)?
  22. ok, does anyone have a pic or a link, so i can see exactly how to rig up a peanut on cowbells?
  23. Heading to Keuka Lake May 3rd. Anyone having any luck on catching lakers?
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