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Everything posted by jimmay

  1. Here is some information on the Tagging program. I have been told there are still a few tags out there in the lake. If you find one, please send it in. The information is only as good as what they get back. Tightlines.
  2. UV Tape Peeling Just wondering if anyone has found a quick fix for peeling UV tape on spoons. I have come across a bunch that have started to have the tape peel off on the bottoms or sides before even getting used. I would just replace the tape but most spoons now there is paint on the tape. Thanks.
  3. Here is a short video on GLIER (Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research) for some of the salmon that were tagged earlier this year for a new depth and temperature study on Lake Ontario. The first sets of information were discussed at this year's Salmon Symposium in Port Credit. Remember, if you get a tagged fish there is a reward for returning the tags (information is at the end of the video). The information in the study is only as good as what they get back! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lzf17tsdp5Q
  4. http://www.spoonpullers.com/forums/index.php?topic=26453.msg157436;topicseen#msg157436 This post on spoonpullers has the charts referenced.
  5. Thanks Jerry. Here is a link to the audio of the whole event that was taped by a member of the audience. It also has a pdf link to some of the presentation flies. http://www.spoonpullers.com/forums/index.php/topic,25954.0.html Here is a link to the video link to the stocking and recovery locations files in the presentation.
  6. Some information has been Posted in the General Board on Spoonpullers site. Title of the thread is ``Port Credit Salmon and Trout Association Symposium - Audio by jfneron`. I will let the mods decide here if it can be directly linked.
  7. Lots of great presentations this morning. More to come this afternoon!
  8. For anyone coming to the Salmon Symposium Saturday there should be a good presentation on Saturday - Prey Fish Dynamics from Brian Weidel, USGS Oswego NY and Jeremy Holden, OMNRF (what are they eating and how that's going). It would be a good time to ask questions. Lets hope all those 3-5 year old alewife in the lake had a great spawn and the YOY had a good winter.
  9. Will find out this weekend and let you know.
  10. Less than a week to go! Lots of good stuff has come in for the silent auction. The BBQ is ready to roll thanks to marina staff and Snug Harbour restaurant. About 200 people have registered. Here's the Agenda: Lake Ontario Salmon Symposium 2016 April 2, 2016 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Port Credit Waterside Inn - 15 Stavebank Road, Mississauga, Ontario Local Hosts: Port Credit Salmon and Trout Association in partnership with the Lake Ontario Management Unit - Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. 8:55 am Welcome from John Ozolins (MC) 9:00 am Opening Remarks, Brian Lambie, PCSTA 9:15 am Lake Ontario - 2015 – Year in Review from U.S. lake manager, Steve LaPan, NYSDEC 9:45 Chinook Salmon Fishery Management , Ontario Lake Manager, Andy Todd, OMNRF 10:15 am Coffee Break and chance to gather information from exhibitors and place bids on Silent Auction items. 10:45 am Prey Fish Dynamics from Brian Weidel, USGS Oswego NY and Jeremy Holden, OMNRF (what are they eating and how that's going) 11:15 am Tagged Salmon - What the tracked salmon are doing. Aaron Fisk, University of Windsor and Tim Johnson, OMNRF 11:45 am Chinook Fishery Dynamics Overview. The lake has changed and it will keep changing. What does that mean for anglers? Brian Lambie - Port Credit Salmon and Trout Association 12:00 pm PCSTA BBQ at the Port Credit Village Marina (run by City of Mississauga staff and Snug Harbour Restaurant) 1:00 pm Chinook Fishery Dynamics - Randy Scott’s 30 Year Angler Diary Revealed and Panel Discussion. (The diary logs 12,000 of the fish he caught, where he got them and how. Spoiler Alert, Randy caught a lot of monsters and his diary is a map of how the lake has changed over 30 years.) Mike Yuille OMNRF with anglers Randy Scott, Jerry Felluca and Al Van Dusen. 2:00 Break -- and last call for Silent Auction bids. 2:30 pm The Future of the Chinook Fishery - Lake Huron Perspective Frank Krist, Chair of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources Lake Huron Citizens Fishery Advisory Committee. 3:15 pm The Future of the Chinook Fishery - Panel Discussion Lake Managers, Scientists and Anglers. 4:00 pm Wrap up and 9.9 HP Mercury Outboard Draw by John Ozolins (MC). Ticket for the draw will be on sale at the Symposium.
  11. Only a few weeks away. Don't forget to sign up. Its free!
  12. please delete. double post
  13. please delete. double post
  14. please delete. double post
  15. Just a reminder the symposium is free but advanced registration is required.
  16. Posting this here for those who live close to the border or take advantage of the great fishing on the Canadian side. Attendance is free but advanced registration is required. The Port Credit Salmon and Trout Association is pleased to announce that we're hosting our second Lake Ontario Salmon Symposium at the Waterside Inn in Port Credit on April 2nd. The program has been developed in partnership with the Lake Ontario Management Unit, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry -- but we've been able to hold them to the principle that all the topics should improve catch rates for those who attend. Here's a taste of the line-up: - Randy Scott's 30 Year Angler Diary Revealed: Over 12,000 fish including 50 Chinooks over 35 pounds! - Lake Ontario's Trophy Chinook Salmon Fishery: Prey Fish and Chinook Salmon Dynamics with Perspectives from Lake Huron and Michigan - Tagged Trout and Salmon: Tracking Fish Movement in the Open Lake - State of the Lake: A look back at 2015 and ahead to 2016 - Frank Krist: Chair, Michigan Department of Natural Resources Lake Huron Citizens Fishery Advisory Committee. Board Member, Hammond Bay Area Anglers Association - Participating Speakers From: University of Windsor, United States Geological Survey, Great Lakes Fishery Commission, New York Department of Environmental Conservation and the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. - Silent Auction - BBQ social. All proceeds will help fund the work of our local association, and beyond. We recognize that salmon cover a lot of water out in Lake Ontario. We intend to support good work that supports the big picture. Space is limited. Please Register at: http://bit.ly/OntarioSalmonSymposium
  17. Nice. Congrats.
  18. Old dreamweaver heads? Is there tape on them?
  19. I’m looking for an older Raymarine L1250CR or a L1260CR (hsb2) Fish Finder Display unit. Let me know if you have one or know of someone that would be willing to sell a working unit. Thanks.
  20. Want to get some people thoughts. On a short billed 3 hook stick bait - do you replace all the stock hooks for salmon; or only keep one or two larger replacement hooks on the back? Same for deep billed baits - replace both hooks on the bait with larger hooks? Cheers.
  21. NICE! What weight of fly Rod for a fish that size?
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