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April 30, 2009
Last visited
May 15, 2020
Everything posted by Patriot
Neil Kidder asked if I had any more. I have one left. Please contact me via email
Merry Christmas, from my family to yours
From what I've read, you can only keep one Halibut. Up to 40"?? then over 100, something like that.
The wife wanted to take a charter that was setup by the cruise ship because if the boat breaks down at sea, the cruise ship WILL wait for you to get back to shore.
If you charter on your own and they break down, your screwed
A few of the cruise ships will cook your catch, that sounds good
Guess I need think this over
So the best time to fish is during a rising or lowering of the tide?
Nice pics Guppy35. Now 2018 is a long time off. Can't wait
The trip will cost less if we start the cruise at Seattle, WA. So fishing before the cruise will be out of the question, too bad
Thank you, thats more info than I thought I’d get. Love the pictures.
We were thinking about booking Halibut via the cruise ship but now rethinking that. They charge 350-370 for a 6 hour trip and so far Ketchikan and Juneau are the only ports on the cruise. I never gave the tide think a thought, not much for tide on Big O.
I know it starts getting cool in September but if you had a choice, would you pick July or Sept. for a better chance of catching fish? My wife did some reading and Halibut feed on dead salmon in the fall.
I may call a few charters and pick their brains too.
Thanks again
We’re planning an Alaska cruise for 2018, mid July or early September and one the things we’d like to do is some Halibut fishing. The cruises only offer stops at Ketchikan and Juneau, that would allow for Halibut fishing. It appears that Ketchikan is closer to open ocean water. Any opinions or comments on either place? Never did this before but should be fun.
I used Rustoleum bottom paint this spring and just wanted to report that it held up GREAT. It's half the price of other paints so needless to say I'll be using it for now on!
Do ya need a 5th wheel camper to go with your fishing stuff?
I'm bringing a Super Soaker on the boat tomorrow
Anyone ever stay at the Oswego Speedway? Not sure how much they charge
Tournament or derby time, it's going to happen. Set your equipment accordingly or find your own water to fish. I tend to go in the opposite direction, in or out from the crowd
Its now on ebay with a bunch of pics
I don't think it will be long and someone is going to scoop this rig up. I wouldn't go any lower on price as there's nothing newer out there and twin i/o's
Good luck Joe
I've done the same with the Tri Flash. Or just keep your setup close to the ball for aggressive fish
Nothing special I guess. Thanks
It's best to stay clear of Oswego during Harborfest week.
I stopped selling them about 9 years ago. I'm retired now and don't see myself going back into the tackle business., plus I'd rather just fish
I lost a probe many years ago. I check my wires every time out ever since