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Everything posted by Patriot

  1. ebay 899 free ship. You should contribute to the cause before you try selling stuff
  2. Another one that comes here just to sell chit
  3. I've read online where a lot of people have used this. Can't believe nobody here does not. It smells a bit like fish
  4. While on the rod holder subject, I just put 2 sets of these on my boat. Now I hate to ask but how long can I expect these Big Jon holders to last?
  5. Look at the swivel base that broke on Tileman Dan's Cannon riggers. That shouldn't be either. Makes me feel that I should tie a piece of wire cable to my new Cannons
  6. eBay http://www.ebay.com/itm/10-DOWNRIGGER-POWER-CORD-CANNON-BIG-JON-WALKER-/171810026718?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2800acf4de
  7. Anyone ever try Linseed oil for a coverup scent? It has a hint of fish smell to it
  8. And if it was your probe rigger....
  9. Thanks for the heads-up Dan. Cannon must have spent a week of r&d on these new model riggers. Does Cannon offer insurance? They should... or maybe not. They'd go under if they did.
  10. Looking for another camper Mike?
  11. Down button works but makes a buzzing noise when I hit the up button. Any ideas?
  12. Comes with the swivel bases also. Asking $200 each for the downriggers with bases and $100 for the stainless holders. The holders cost me 200 to have made. Can meet in the Oswego area or will ship for extra $ for shipping
  13. How do you fish a three rigger spread?
  14. I used Durabak for the floor. The stuff is tough as nails and I scrub the crap out of it https://www.durabakcompany.com/marine.htm
  15. Here's my 89 Sea Nymph after I was done remodeling
  16. Here's a live shot http://citylighthouse.dyndns.org:81/top.htm?Currenttime=2013-12-31%2012:46:16
  17. You're right Frogger. It's simple to do. Just take your time and take note as to how its done on the old ones, how the material is folded etc. If you do go with wood, make sure the vinyl laps so water can't seep into the wood. I even went as far as sealing the edges with silicone
  18. Good idea on the pvc, Brian
  19. Thanks again Dan. As you can see, I used both of them!
  20. Do ya think the new Cannon plastic downrigger holders (as in the picture) will take the pressure? If not, I have in the gunwhale holders
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